WebsiteWidget in a versión desktop not open urls external

Hi, guys how are you, i hope very good, in this moment i have a problem with at customization, i have a Website Widget that in access web, work very good

but from de version desktop not open.

i try change of url by localhost and worked, so i believe that is a problem whit the SSL or connection external, but i dot know configuring it yet


Hay una manera de usar debugging en el Desktop.

es posible que los errores aprecen en ese panel.

Sabes como utilizar debugging en Desktop?

To enable debugging for the desktop client, edit your local, sysconfig file.

Add this to the User Settings Section:

<LaunchEOBrowserDebug value="true" />

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Lo tienes @santiquintero ?

Hola, voy a revisar esa parte

Esos son los errores, no veo nada puntual

Hola @utaylor no se, tienes algún manual para yo estudiar esa parte

Tampoco yo. No veo nada alli.

De hecho, estoy tan perdido como tu.

Lo unico que nos ensenaron a Insights 2022 es como usar esta pantalla para investigar REST calls al servidor.

Igual hay algo en el web que explica esta pantalla mejor que Epicor. Esta pantalla funciona lo mismo en todas las applicaciones web de lo que yo entiendo. A causa de eso me imagino que Epicor nunca va a explicarla porque no es nada propietario a ellos… Voy a pedir al grupo a ver si alguien tiene algo a ayudarnos.

Does anyone on here have any good links to articles or youtube series or anything explaining DevTools or the debugger in general?

Is that link you are trying to open mentioned on Network tab of DevTools?
Errors are not related as far as I understand.

Hi Olga, yes I try any url for example and it doesn’t work but in Console or Network tab of devtools it doesn’t show url related errors it just shows nothing.

if i try with https://localhost, if it shows the web

Have you tried this on a client that is not your server? It looks like you are running the client from your server.

Hi @klincecum, only we work from servers, do not have a environment for this test

Exclusively? Or just for testing ?

I think you’re running into some firewall/operating system configuration issues, but not enough info to tell.

I think you need to fire up a client and see if it works there as you have it configured. That or give us a lot more information on how you have it configured.

@santiquintero I found the post I was looking for thanks to @klincecum How To: Debugging Kinetic (Browser) - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (

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