What is the purpose of an Inspector?

We don’t hire new “inspectors” all that often here, so when we do, I always forget this step of creating an “Inspector” record for them.

Existential question: what on earth is the purpose of this?

I know the literal answer - you have to pick one in Inspection Entry in order to process it.

But you can pick anyone! And it doesn’t DO anything, right? Here are all of the settings:


I’m about to submit an idea to abolish Inspectors. I just see no point.

Buyers, yes, that’s a thing - email address, multiple users, spending limits and an approving buyer. But this seems to have no value-add.

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Note to self: make a generic Inspector named Gadget.


Quality Assurance module…but you already knew that so I’ll cut the GIFs.
Probably shows up in reporting somewhere - don’t know enough about it though.

Add to list: Callahan, Clouseau, Columbo…


Right, not trying to shoot the messenger, but I mean, why not just use the user ID? Just saying.

Data dictionary - table Inspectr…

DMR Inspector Master file. Establish the valid persons who can process DMRs in the system.

Maybe they didn’t want to build the functionality into SysUserFile…instead using this lookup table to govern it. Presumably there’s data integrity between the two.

Exists in the Training environment

Clouseau exists in Training environment
Callahan was… um… Dirty… not a good trait for Quality personnel
and just one more thing…
Columbo was only a Detective Lieutenant


Uss Nerd Alert GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

:heart: :people_hugging: :rofl:


Honestly though… how do you know this stuff???



There is no out-of-the-box link between Inspectr and SysUserFile. At least once I’ve written BPMs to ensure that only certain UserIDs could create inspection records with certain Inspector IDs.


Guess I was wrong to think they’d be in a 1-to-1 relationship…unless, as you described, you script a BPM to impose external rules and create pseudo-groups…ie UserIDs A1 and B2 considered “Supervisors”, C3 and D4 considered “Asst Supers”, that sort of thing. Maybe it would have required too much alteration to the regular user setups…or maybe I’m thinking too much

I do remember one time a client asked if there was a way to specify that certain parts be tagged to go to a certain inspector… but by the time they got to scoping that out they dropped the request. Pretty much anything CAN be done, but this isn’t something I get asked about a lot. In a perfect world I’d expect it to work like Buyers (like @JasonMcD said originally), but they never asked me my opinion.

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I was all set to make an Idea for this, and then I saw this:

So we have 2 competing ideas here

  1. Make it better
  2. Burn it all!

But “make it better” sounds a whole lot like “add a ton of unnecessary complexity to a process that is already pretty convoluted.”

But that’s QA life, right?

(I worked in QA for 3 years.)

I think I’ll do a poll in a separate post… I’ll link to it here…

EDIT: Poll is here:

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Kind of seems like–given the current simplicity of the Inspector app–it should just be a checkbox on the Employee record, like Production Worker, Material Handler, Warehouse Manager, etc.