Whats the best way to clear PO Suggestions?

while out on leave someone ran generate suggestions which we have not setup in our current system. As a result, we now have 5000+ suggestions for things wed like to remove. I quickly dug around in DMT and using field help i cant find the menu id need to use in DMT. Deleting them one by one is my only option right now but id like to know if theres a cleaner simpler way to do this.

and for the record, we havent used the suggestions inthe past because we never setup mix/max, lead times, etc so weve just been having purchasing manually selecting requisitions in Po Suggestions and creating POs that way. for now we would like to keep it that way until we clean up our data.

As you have identified correctly, you have 5000+ suggestions because you have not set up your parts correctly

The harsh truth is that your buyers need to come into the 21st Century and spend some time setting up the parts properly. Work smart, not hard.

There is no way of deleting these suggestions en masse. If it’s affecting your business that much that some poor soul has to sit there for 1-2 hours, pressing delete 1 by 1, then you might as well use that time to set up the parts correctly so that when you next run Generate Sugestions, you’ll get much better suggestions.

For now, I would advise all buyers untick “Suggestions” when looking at Time Phase Inquiry or running the Time Phase Mtl. Requirements Report.

You could use DMT to set the ‘Generate Suggestions’ flag on your parts to false and re-run the generate suggestions process.

The first step of that process is to delete all existing suggestions before generating new suggestions.

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You could also DMT against all active PO releases… lock qty & dates. Then regenerate suggestions. This won’t kill any NEW suggestions… but it should get rid of the CHANGE suggestions. At least reduce the number you may have to delete.