Where Art Thou UD05?

Upgrading to .13 we found a BPM error turns out UD05 is poofed from the context anyone else seeing this?

Did you see an error in the conversion workbench? or running tests…

as what made you check this UD table??

What the heck did I do? I tried to reply, but I messed something up! @josecgomez

Messed what up?
Confused Always Sunny GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

You made it an editable wiki somehow?

Beat me to it.

Looks like I somehow managed to edit a wiki post. I didn’t mean to. It looks like I made this post now. So weird!

Damn it @NateS with great power comes great responsibility don’t make me take your powers away :rofl:


This is a bad sign … I think we broke @josecgomez. He’s talking to himself.

Back to OP … They just did a bunch of work (based on the release guide) on UD tables for DMT. Maybe they fixed it in .14

Conversion workbench error. Not in the datamodel at all. Did the ol regen and recycle for good measure still poof.

Saw that in the release notes for .14 but we can’t download it it’s getting picked up by A/V. It likes .13 just fine but full shun on .14 lol

I had the same problem yesterday. It turned out it was downloading fine, but windows security was zapping it once it was downloaded. I had to release it from quarantine to get it.

And yes the DMT issues with missing tables are fixed in .14.

Hey who changed my username. :eyes:

I just did the .13 to .14 deployment.

This also worked before the update to .14

UD05 is still there. (did you by chance make a backup of the DB before you did the upgrade?)


The table is firmly still in the DB that’s not an issue at all.

Try and redeploy?

Guessing you tried that already…

It gets worse it’s actually missing from our production data model too, but since the Bpms that use it are already compiled and the DB table is there it’s “working” in production. Everything is in zDataTable, zDataSet, and zDataField so no idea what it’s beef is.

What in the actual F

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Got it figured out. We restored the UD05 table in January. Apparently the DDL we exported did not have everything to rebuild the table and though the table existed and all the data was there, and any compiled code worked just fine. The Data Model regen refused to pick the table up. We rebuilt the DDL and restored the data again this time referencing UD04 to ensure parity on creation. Far as we could tell only the CDC capture trigger was missing from our UD05 table, but who knows. Seems to work now.