Which settings drive Kinetic or Classic UI to get displayed?

What’s the order of precedence for displaying a Kinetic app? We’ve got various settings for Kinetic, and sometimes the UI opens in Kinetic, and other times it does not. Which settings overrides the other ones? Is there a flow chart? Or some matrix?

It’s very confusing (to me for now) when you’ve got a 72 different ways Kinetic can be set for one item (2x2x2x3x3=72), and it almost seems random if it goes to Kinetic or Classic view.

We really want to migrate our users to Kinetic in an orderly way, and not knowing how it works is preventing us from getting this done.

Kinetic Options:

Kinetic Application Maintenance

A. Enable New UI boolean

B. Enable User Override settings boolean

Menu Maintenance

A. Program Type dropdown (Kinetic App or Anything Else)

B. Form to Use dropdown (User Choice, Classic, or Kinetic)

User Preferences (General Options > Preferences > General tab) - Form to Use dropdown (User Choice, Classic, or Kinetic)

Hi Andris
It seems to be in my experience:
If Kinetic Application is enabled:

  1. Check Menu Maintenance Form to Use,
    a. If Classic - Open classic
    b. If Kinetic - Open kinetic
    c. If Form to use = User Choice…
  2. Checks User preferences

The best way we have been doing the phasing is essentially DMT’ing all menu items to be classic. Then slowly phasing specific programs/dashboards and changing them to be kinetic (or user choice if you want to give the user a choice) in the menu.

I believe there is conversion program 1520 is the other thing. My understanding this converts the standard menus to Kinetic ones.

There’s a discussion about it here. Kinetic Application Maintenance - Disable Kinetic UI - #8 by hmwillett

@askulte, the timing of your post couldn’t have come at a better time (for me!) I started a grand-unified article on this general topic with the goal of one being able to understand the following:

  • <UserA> launches <MenuItemA> that <NewForm> launches but for<USERB> the <ClassicForm> option launches and they get a banner at the top that they can click on to launch the <NewForm>.

  • What factors lead to an end user selecting User Choice as their preference, but, the system doesn’t allow them a choice at all.

  • And so much more!

After about 4 hours of collecting all of the screenshots I needed for this, I started drafting up the high-level text of the article and after about an hour of that, I realized that there was a situation that I didn’t initially cover… :confused:

Before we begin, whenever I communicate externally I try my best to faithfully use the current official terminology the company wants us to use at any given moment <cough>. I need to define some of the terminologies I’ll be using:

  • New UI = what we used to call “Kinetic UI form” or “Kinetic form”, but as part of our rebranding, Kinetic is a noun not an adjective. BONUS: An approved alternative to “New UI” is “Epicor Design System” (or EDS). As the world has far too many TLAs, I’m on team “New UI”.
  • Classic UI = the original winform forms that have been part of the Kinetic (formerly known as Epicor ERP) product dating back to the Vista/Vantage 8 days.

Items I don’t mention below at all, but, while we’re discussing terminology:

  • Home page = what we used to call “Kinetic Home page”. See New UI information above for more detail as to what lead to the name change.
  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM) = what used to be called DocStar.
  • Epicor Wireless Mobile Warehouse. or is it Kinetic Mobile Wireless Warehouse? er. Wireless Warehouse perchance! my apologies, I am not entirely certain of the official name of this at this time. (the mobile app version for MES/DataCollection type functionality). NOTE: in the Kinetic license, the module name is “Epicor Wireless Warehouse” and as near as I am aware, it was never actually referred to externally with that specific word order.
  • CPQ = what used to be called KBMax. Epicor CPQ is the configure, price, quote solution that makes it easy for manufacturers to sell complex, configurable products. It covers all the bases both on and offline

As of Kinetic 202x.x, for a menu item to be available to launch in both the classic form option and the new UI option, and for an end-user to be able to launch the form in classic and presented an option to launch the form in the new UI afterward:

  1. The Menu Item needs to be configured to launch a classic form (Program field is populated).

  2. The Menu Item needs to be configured to launch a new UI form (URL field is populated).

  3. The Menu Item cannot be configured with a classic UI customization (Customization field is blank if there is not a classic customization set on this menu item).

  4. The Menu Item cannot be configured with a New UI customization (URL field will include ?layerNames= at the end the URL value if there is a New UI customization* *NOTE: I am not a New UX framework expert, so other UI layer types other than what we typically think of as a “UI Customization” could be launched the same way)

  5. The Menu item needs to show as allowing a user choice (Form to Use shows as User Choice, controlled via Kinetic Application Maintenance)

  6. The Menu item needs to be configured as a Menu item (Program Type field needs to show as Menu item).

  7. The End user has to have their user preference set to User Choice.


  1. And the user didn’t explicitly override the form to use by setting the Form to Use after launching the form to a specific value (Classic or Kinetic)
  2. The user would have had to have not clicked the Snooze button on the top of the classic form. If the snooze button/banner is not presenting, one can delete the classic UI personalization record for that end user on that form to (for lack of a better term), “un-snooze”.

I’m going to be publishing a formal KB on this topic as soon as I can, but, if there are any questions that I can help with just let me know.



@aidacra - Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for. But I do have a question - when I meet all those criteria and the user preferences is set to Kinetic, why doesn’t the Kinetic (cough, New UI) form open? I still get classic with the snooze bar.

Thanks for the tip on deleting the personalization to get the snooze bar back. I compared the XML on a snoozed form vs a not snoozed, and it looks like the properties with the ‘LastSnoozed’ property name was added this to the end of the personalization (I was testing on MRP Recalc). I deleted the property block, and imported the XML back, and got my snooze bar. Not sure yet if this is kosher, but seems like a good way to get a snooze bar back for someone that doesn’t want to lose all of their personalizations… (Or we can just set the company specific snooze period to 1 day).

    &lt;Company /&gt;
    &lt;Plant /&gt;
    &lt;DcdUserID /&gt;
    &lt;GroupID /&gt;
    &lt;PropertiesID /&gt;

@Connor - My first test on the un-customized MRP Recalc form resulted in a Classic view displayed when:
Kinetic Application Maintenance set for the app to ‘Enable New UI’ & boolean ‘Enable User Override’ set true.
Menu Maintenance was left alone - program type was ‘Menu Item’ & Form to Use dropdown was set to User Choice.
User Preferences (General Options > Preferences > General tab) Form to Use was set to Kinetic.

This resulted in a Classic form being displayed. Per support, I need to create a new menu item with the program type set to Kinetic App to get it to open in the NewUI. Seems tedious, since we will eventually have to do this for every single menu item! At least there’s a Menu DMT template we could use. I’m looking into setting up a BAQ so I can at least do these in bulk faster. But if a wizard were to whip up a UBAQ to do it with a checkbox, I’ll get you your beverage of choice at Insights!


if any of these changes occurred within the user session you are logged in with (aka: a change to these settings was made, and you didn’t log out and back in afterward before testing), that could also be part of the unexpected behavior…possibly…sometimes…)

This resulted in a Classic form being displayed. Per support, I need to create a new menu item with the program type set to Kinetic App to get it to open in the NewUI:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I am hoping there is some context that maybe wasn’t directly shared by the analyst you were working with, but, to simply have the option to launch a form in the new UI (assuming the menu record is configured appropriately with a NewUI option per my earlier post) should not/does not require a new menu record. Not at all dismissing your experience/results, but, there is some other factor that once addressed (whatever that is) would allow for both.

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@aidacra I am thinking that the missing link is changing the Program Type on Menu Maintenance from Menu Item to Kinetic App. I figured out that was what was tripping me up.

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Can this be set at the company level?

THANK YOU for this post. Two years later, this post saved me.