Win 2K SP2 with Vantage 5

I installed sp2 and havent had any problems running Vantage,

-----Original Message-----
From: Britt Moelling [mailto:bmoelling@...]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 8:26 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Win 2K SP2 with Vantage 5

Has anyone running Vantage5 on Windows 2000 applied SP2 yet? Any
problems? Any "gotcha's "?
Has Epicor placed their blessings on SP2 yet?

Britt Moelling
M&M Manufacturing Co.

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Has anyone running Vantage5 on Windows 2000 applied SP2 yet? Any
problems? Any "gotcha's "?
Has Epicor placed their blessings on SP2 yet?

Britt Moelling
M&M Manufacturing Co.