WIP Report Bug

Just discovered a really aggravating bug in the WIP Report in Vantage 4.00.904.

It's showing different material$ figures from the Production Detail. Looks
like the negative ADJ-MTL transactions from job splits (probably manual
adjustments too) are not added up correctly on the WIP Report. If you have
something like this reported in the PDR [some fields removed for space] :

STK-MTL 1000EA 1.00 1000.00 NAS450
ADJ-MTL -500EA 1.00 -500.00 NAS450 To Job 200417A

Your PDR will correctly show a net material cost of $500.00. But the WIP
Report ignores the negative Adj-Mtl and reports the job's material as
$1000.00. Also annoying - the Adj-Mtl PartTran records are missing a
fiscal year & period, and all the GL account fields are blank too.

Just something to watch out for if you're trusting the numbers out of this
@#$% thing. Eranet has a blurb about 4997MPS that sounds like it might be
related, and fixed in 5.00.313.

-Wayne Cox