WorldShip on SaaS?

We are in process of trying to finish off our POC and get ready for implementation. Our Shipping department hasn’t been around much leaving the Production Manager and myself to answer questions. We are setup to use QuickShip, but since we will only really use any integration with UPS and our team doesn’t want to stop using WorldShip. It seems if I can get WorldShip to talk to the Kinetic SaaS database I could handle the field mapping (I think).
Does anyone have direct experience with connecting WorldShip to Kinetic in a SaaS setup? Can I simply setup some form of ODBC or will I need to figure out some form of API connection or Upload/Download of txt or XML (hopefully not that one).

If you are paying for Quickship, you should use it, its super expensive :laughing:

Worldship is old, I wouldn’t count on it being around forever.


The trick is, we are trying to not pay for QuickShip.

Hmm, maybe consider this?

I’ve done an integration with worldship before , worldship has the capability of reading a file so you could have a file drop from Kinetic into a Shared Directory and have world ship pick it up

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If you signed up QuickShip as part of your SaaS contract - you have it until the end of your contract.
Epicor has a strict no return/refund policy.

Yes we have hit the no return policy a number of times. we are coming up on a year of paying for the software and still not implemented and finding many sales promises not quite working out…
I think we have resigned ourselves to stick with QuickShip, our shipping team doesn’t like change but if we show them how consistent and easy it can be to use QuickShip for all carriers maybe they will be happy with it after all.