Zero Cost for Inspections with Passed Parts

We have Move Costs to DMR checked at the Company level, but if any number of parts are passed at the inspection level, the Move Costs to DMR gets unchecked and costs are not moved to DMR, even if there are failed parts from the inspection. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

What screen did you post?

Thanks for the reply, John. I got an answer from EpicCare. Apparently if there are passed parts on the inspection, the Move Costs To DMR gets unchecked and the user must re-check it if they fail parts. It’s a known issue since 2019 and there are no current plans to correct it in Kinetic.
(My screenshot was a BAQ of the NonConf table)

Interesting. Thanks for letting us know.

I was going to suggest looking at Part Transaction History as the passed and failed will be separate lines and you will see if the cost was truly transferred.

Yup, that’s where we first found the $0 cost for the related DMR-REJ!