I am in the process of upgrading a test enviroment from 10.1.400.20 to 10.1.500.8 and I had a few questions I was hoping soemone can give me some clarification on
As with most Epicor installs we have 4 DBs setup - Prod, Pilot, Test and Demo. I am guessing it would be best if we only upgraded the Production DB and then created new App Servers for Pilot and Test and restore to them from production when that upgrade is completed. The first time around I upgrade each one, except Demo. With Demo I will install seperatly afterwards
Early in the process you are directed to install the 10.1.500.x latest release, but when you are deploying the DB you are not directed to change the Deployment Version. The first go around here I left it as Base and then after I was done with the inital upgrade I went back and followed the 10.1.500 to 10.1.500.8 instructions. Can I\Should I make that change during the intial deployement?
Question… we’re in a similar position in that we’re ready to start testing .500. If we upgrade our Test database can you have two versions of the client installed on a system? As in the Test Client at .500 and the Production Client still at .400?
I had two support people tell me that I can go directly from 10.1.400.x to 10.1.500.y without having to load 10.1.500.0. Another two support people told me that 10.1.500.0 had to be loaded and then import data from 10.1.400.x or the schema changes would not take effect.
At a conference in Chicago area, I had a person from PSC tell me that I could go from 10.1.400.x to 10.1.500.y.
Following day, I talked to another support person in Epicor who told me the opposite.
Best I can offer is to not try this the first time in your production area and then let the rest of us know what happened.
When I attempted to upgrade directly from 10.1.400.20 to 10.1.500.8, I
received a message that this update was for 10.1.500.0 and would not
proceed. I had to upgrade to 10.1.500.0 and then update to 10.1.500.8.
I have done the 10.1.400.20 to 10.1.500.8 upgrade and here is my experiences. I actually did the upgrade twice, the first time I deployed 10.1.500.0 first and then upgraded to 10.1.500.8. The second time I went directly to 10.1.500.8.
You can go directly to 10.1.500.y without having to go to 10.1.500.0 first. In the guide (see #2) it does not inform you of this but in Section 2.8 - Pages 13 & 14, when setting up the Application Server Settings, change the Deployment Version to the version of the upgrade you installed earlier (Section 2.4)and after completing that section you will Deploy that version.
The guide is called Epicor ERP 10.1.500 Release Upgrade Guide – Epicor 10.x to 10.1.500.x. It contains both upgrading from 10.0.xxx.y and 10.1.400.y to 10.1.500.y