Has anyone else experienced an issue where external BAQs stop working after upgrading? I can run an external BAQ I own but it doesn’t appear to run for anyone else.
Welp… great.
.10 is the latest patch. May be fixed in there. I just installed .600 so I’m testing this now. We have a lot of external BAQs.
No it’s for sure broken on .10 that’s what I’m on. Created a case and requested resolution patch number. Next patch should be coming this week too.
Did support give you any details on what’s changed? Any work-arounds to use prior to the patch release?
Have not heard back from support yet, and PRB is listed as no workaround. Which isn’t entirely true if you make everyone Security Manager it will work
I don’t want to hijack a thread, but this could be related:
Cross Company UBAQ does not update if not a Security Manager.
Was working before the upgrade to 10.2.600 (from 10.2.500).
All I can think of is ping @JeffLeBert
So Cross-Company Updatable BAQs? Because I have Cross-Company BAQs and didnt see the issue.
Maybe @Jason_Woods was testing the BAQ in BAQ Designer, And maybe it works okay in a deployed Dashboard.
That’s one thing we don’t do. They don’t deploy any of our dashboards. I deploy the ones I build but the ERP team doesn’t. I’ll try to deploy one of the external ones and see.
I was not able to get a dashboard with an external query to work after it was re-deployed.
What did work for me was deploying the dashboard as a kinetic application.
My guess is that the kinetic dashboard uses rest calls, which appear to work correctly with external queries.
This will be patched in 10.2.600.13