The main reason for the message is to warn for delays in possible shipping or manufacturing. So they want to see it as soon as they enter in the Part.
I just thought that if I create a Foreign Key View associated to the Part Adapter, then create a hidden textBox binding to Part.Character04. I can create a event onChange of the textbox value and post the text as a warning message. What do you think?
thanks for helping with the brainstorming.
I just thought that if I create a Foreign Key View associated to the Part Adapter, then create a hidden textBox binding to Part.Character04. I can create a event onChange of the textbox value and post the text as a warning message. What do you think?
thanks for helping with the brainstorming.
--- In, Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> Any reason not to use Update? You can cancel the update if conditions are
> not correct.
> For what purpose are you displaying a message?
> Mark W.
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:02 PM, dgodfrey_amc <dgodfrey_amc@...>wrote:
> >
> >
> > Yes, and that is what I have switched to to get anything to show. I just
> > got off the phone with Epicor and they are say that the BPM processes on any
> > methods for JobEntry (other than Update) are not reliable for 407.
> >
> > So now I am stuck trying to figure out how to get a simple Part.Character04
> > field to show as a warning on the JobEntry window. Through customization, I
> > can not piggy-back on a default control. Meaning that I can not catch an
> > event from changes to any of the default controls in the JobEntry window.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]