You might try setting your conditions to RowMod = "A" and ttPartPlant.PrimWhse changes from any to any. The RowMod = "A" will limit it to new records and we aren't interested in the specific value just that the value changed. I have not always gotten the results I am looking for by using the "?" in comparisons.
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En>compass Solutions Inc.
Tel 336.298.1296 (Google Voice)
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E-mail jimki@...
--- In, "Dan Shallbetter" <dans@...> wrote:
> I am trying to show an informational message or raise and exception to
> check the warehouse when a user creates a new part. I am using the part
> update, pre-processing with a condition the PartPlant.PrimWhse field of
> the changed row is not equal to the ? value. It idisplayed the raised
> exception message once but has not worked in further test, what am I
> missing?
> Thanks,
> Dan Shallbetter
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]