8.03 MES Customization

Best option I can think of is to call the customized form. But depending on the USERID, I would either enable or disable the customization by vb script. So that customization code only applies to userid defined.

I am not aware of anyway to change customization menu in the process calling method at runtime.

I need to be able to open a custom MES screen that, when you open the End Activity button, it opens a customized one.  The trick is, I need this customization to work for a hand full of users.  Not company wide.

In the Process Calling Maintenance:

Called Process Reference = Epicor.Mfg.UI.EndActivityEntry
Called From = ?????

Menu ID = UDMES2EA (the customization that I need)

When I leave the "Called From" entry blank, the customization works, but company wide.

When I click on End Activity button from my customized MES screen in developer mode, the "Calling App" = Epicor.Mfg.Menu.Mes.  This should be what I need to put in the Called From box, but all MES screens use the same Calling App therefore makes it company wide.  Is there any way to specify a different calling app for the customized MES screen?

Mfgsys config on each machine can point to a custom mes menu

On Mar 13, 2015 8:09 PM, "wiztech432@... [vantage]" <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  <p><p><span>I need to be able to open a custom MES screen that, when you open the End Activity button, it opens a customized one.  The trick is, I need this customization to work for a hand full of users.  Not company wide.<br><br></span></p><p><span>In the Process Calling Maintenance:</span></p><p><span><br></span></p><p><span>Called Process Reference = Epicor.Mfg.UI.EndActivityEntry<br>Called From = ?????</span></p><p><span>Menu ID = UDMES2EA (the customization that I need)</span></p><p><span><br></span></p><p><span>When I leave the &quot;Called From&quot; entry blank, the customization works, but company wide.</span></p><p><span>When I click on End Activity button from my customized MES screen in developer mode, the &quot;Calling App&quot; = Epicor.Mfg.Menu.Mes.  This should be what I need to put in the Called From box, but all MES screens use the same Calling App therefore makes it company wide.  Is there any way to specify a different calling app for the customized MES screen?</span></p>


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

I agree. But I want to use a customization for the End Activity screen on the customized MES screens only for a hand full of people.



Thank you,


Adam Smith | IT Manager
Lapeer Industries

400 McCormick Dr., Lapeer, MI 48446

Phone: (810) 664-1816

Fax: (810) 664-7182



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 8:18 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: Re: [Vantage] 8.03 MES Customization



Mfgsys config on each machine can point to a custom mes menu

On Mar 13, 2015 8:09 PM, "wiztech432@... [vantage]" <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I need to be able to open a custom MES screen that, when you open the End Activity button, it opens a customized one.  The trick is, I need this customization to work for a hand full of users.  Not company wide.

In the Process Calling Maintenance:


Called Process Reference = Epicor.Mfg.UI.EndActivityEntry
Called From = ?????

Menu ID = UDMES2EA (the customization that I need)


When I leave the "Called From" entry blank, the customization works, but company wide.

When I click on End Activity button from my customized MES screen in developer mode, the "Calling App" = Epicor.Mfg.Menu.Mes.  This should be what I need to put in the Called From box, but all MES screens use the same Calling App therefore makes it company wide.  Is there any way to specify a different calling app for the customized MES screen?

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