We are going to add an additional control on the Inspection Results Entry Form to store a UD field serial number. Once we have the control value populated and we select the Enter Results button for the “Sample Number” row selected, Is it possible to access the control value in an “On Load” or “On Loaded” Event expression? I need this to populate data from a UD table to select a specific row.
I have no issue now accessing any table to get data using Linq query but I need the serial number value that will be populated in this new control on the Inspection Results Entry form, it is one of my key fields in the UD table.
@josecgomez We have to serialize our parts for traceability. There may be 50 piecemarks of the same Assembly Sequence but these serial numbers are not assigned until we schedule and store the data in a UD table.
When we “Generate Test Set” the Serial Number string needs to be recorded as an Inspection Attribute as part of the Inspection Report Data.
In addition to this I need to populate controls on the Inspection Plan Data from the UD table that has the JobNum = Key1, PartNum = Key2, and SerialNum = Key3. Key 3 is what allows traceability to each fabricated piecmark.
At present Even if I load the Serial Number to the Inspection Results Entry form I don’t know how to access it from LINQ to use as a filter to populate the other controls from the UD table. Note that the SerialNum Control is not on this form yet.
So my question is if I were able to get the SerialNum loaded on this form how do I access it in LINQ for an On Load Event Expression when we Select the Enter Results button?