Add/Change Purchase Order Entry UOM's

Is there a way to add on to the 4 UOM that are in the Purchase Order Entry Line menu? Right now we only have Case, Box, Dozen, and Each appearing, but we have more than a dozen within the UOM table including the one we need (Lbs.).

I understand this field may also be on the part entry menu but can i go into developer mode and add onto the combo box and it will appear? Or is there a better way to modify this?

Can you show some screen shots of what you are seeing? I’m thinking it has to be a setup issue, but I’m not 100% sure where you are talking about.

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The drop down on the far right is what im having the issue with. these are the same options as the part master:

As you can see we have the Lbs. uom in the system:

and for the record, the EPI Bindings on those two fields are:

  • PODetail.IUM
  • Part.PUM / Part.IUM / Part.SalesUM

That’s odd. All of mine show up… If this form by any chance customized?

On the supplier side, it seems to limit the UOM’s to what I have selected in our quantity. But that’s not the same as what you are seeing. It looks similar though.


Maybe a dumb question but are they all Active (both class and UOM)? The drop-down population search criteria is this on a type other.

<parameter name="whereClause" type="System.String"><![CDATA[((Active=True) AND (StockOnly = true))]]></parameter>

with mine, both active and inactive show up. (which is actually really annoying)

It comes up with this when you try to save though.

Odd - they really should not be appearing in the drop-down. It functions that way in my testing but there could be a scenario that allows them to appear.

Is this a stock part? I see it says test but does it have a part master. If so it will be limited to the UOMs in the class of the part.

There are some other restrictions if the part has a transaction in a particular class you will on see the UOMs for that class.

I saw you mention lbs and all of the others are count. So it would be a mix of weight and count classes which the system doesn’t allow.


The part is a real part, they’re test bars, and they are kept in stock within the system. When i navigate to the UOM tab on Part Entry only the 4 UOMs mentioned before in this thread appear. I see what you mean about the COUNT and WEIGHT options but can i just remove Lbs from WEIGHT and add it on to Count? We rarely use the UOM field in Epicor, outside of purchasing, so i cant imagine this screwing anyone else up.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: the UOM field is used in tons of places, all inventory transactions, pretty much all job transactions, shipping transactions. Just because it’s automated doesn’t mean it’s not used.

If you order pounds, and stock in each, how do you know how many are inventory? There’s a whole conversion that has to be done to make it work. It gets complicated quickly.

Like you said i guess its always just flown under the radar. We have only recently started keeping raw materials inside of Epicor so it was never something that stood out to anyone. We produce 10 pc of a part and 10 pcs go into stock. But raw inventory was always done on old school excel sheets so that’s never been an issue.

How do you get cost on a job? Are all of your part non-quantity bearing?

Unsolicited advice: I would try and get a handle on UOMs well before you need to. You can read lots of horror stories on here about how UOM issues cause lots of problems. If you ever do go to live inventory, your current processes will become very big problems.

Yea that sounds like good advice Ha! So, i need to change the UOM available to me on the part master. Going back to the original question, is moving Lbs from WEIGHT to COUNT a bad idea? if so, whats the best action and why isn’t it showing up in the UOM tab?

You will need to set up the proper UOMs on the part. In part entry you can set up conversions of different UOMs, but they have to be in the same class. So if you buy in lbs and inventory in each, then you need to set up a Lbs UOM in the each class. Then you can set up a part specific conversion so you can buy from the vendor in one unit and stock it in another.

But actually that’s probably more complicated that what you are trying to do. If you set up your part so it’s in the correct UOM class, then the ones you want should be available. Note, that if you have any transactions on that part number, you can’t change the part class. That’s why it’s very important to get that set up correctly the first time, the only way to fix it after that is to make a new part number.


@Joe_Tahan UOM can be a beast in the system. Like has been stated once it is there it is there for good. You can move the UOM in the UOM conversion tool. However, what I am about to tell you has been tested, but you need to verify what you are asking the system to do. I would recommend you do some inventory counting, and other procedures to verify you know how much of the part you have on hand in the current and future UOM. Secondly, just so you know you only get the UOMs in the class of the part when trying to assign a UOM in Part Maintenance. So, here we go. YOU MUST DO THIS IN TEST FIRST.

When using the UOM conversion tool the system will evaluate all of your potential transactions within the system for this part. Is there any in WIP, inventory, active on jobs but not used yet. So, you may come up with some errors which the system is trying to flush before it will try to do a conversion. If these transactions are flushed, then you can try to run the conversion. However, because you are converting from COUNT CLASS to WEIGHT CLASS you will not be able to convert from one class to the other. The reason is because you do not have EA in weight or LB in count. So, you have to create a new UOM class called OTHER. Now, it gets a little vague cause it has been a while since we had to do this in testing. In the OTHER class you will need to add EA and LB. A DIFFERENT UOM will need to be the default for this class. You then have to put a conversion in the system for the default UOM of the OTHER class for EA and LB. After the OTHER class is setup, you then run the conversion from EA in COUNT class to EA in OTHER. The class for the part is now OTHER. You can now change the UOM from EA to LB in part maintenance because the UOMs exist in the same CLASS with a conversion. Now, you run conversion again after switching it to LB. You move it from OTHER to WEIGHT as LB to LB. You now have the part in inventory as part of the WEIGHT class and inventoried as LB. Please keep in mind I have done this process in testing and it has worked properly (I do not remember all of the full details). It is best to create the UOM conversion in OTHER to just be what you think you have in weight of the part. Example you have 10 on hand, but that is 1000 lbs. So in the OTHER class the default UOM goes from EA to the default to LB and at the end you end up with 1000 lbs on hand. Then the final conversion just puts it in the WEIGHT class at what is on hand.

Notes to keep in mind. You will probably need to do a cost adjustment after the process to keep your inventory balance in the GL accurate. Again, you will also want to TEST, TEST, and TEST.

I also recommend you do a review of your UOMs throughout the system. UOMs affect the system in SO MANY places!



Brandon and Josh,

Thank you both for the detailed explanations. So i now clearly see that the UOM class is locked on the parts as you’ve said. One of our other materials, metal, has the correct UOM class and allows me to select Lbs. This was something that was never pointed out to me in the past so now i need to do some cleaning up.

Brandon, i did try and add a Lbs. to the COUNT class but it threw the error saying that already exists in another class. Since we do have some of the parts already set up properly i do not want to remove Lbs from the WEIGHT class.I may have to take Josh’s approach and run a conversion. Luckily we just copied Live over to Pilot for testing purposes so i can run an accurate, up to date, test on this conversion.

Report back on the conversion. I’d be curious to see if you can get it to work. I haven’t had very good luck, but I also haven’t tried that hard. I always had trouble reconciling “you can’t have the same UOM in two different classes” and “for the conversion to work, you need the same UOM in two different classes”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FWIW. I usually go with the new part number thing and keep my hair.

Whenever we have tried to run the UOM conversion it didn’t work because there was already a parttran, transaction record, in the system for it. Even if you have zero on hand, the conversion wouldn’t work. Perhaps in your version you’ll have more luck.



With that in mind, it’s probably easier to just remove the part everywhere it’s used (part master and any jobs/orders), and if it’s new enough that it doesn’t have any transaction history it usually isn’t too bad. Then you can just change it in part master. Then you can re-add them wherever they were.

I know this doesn’t help you in your case @Joe_Tahan, but just something to park in your memory banks for later.