Advent of Code


haha me too, on my phone for that matter

day 5 is causing me to relive school tho

Whoā€™s the anonymous user? That kind of defeats the purpose of the private leader boardā€¦

LOL, my apologies. I wondered if someone would say something. I usually like to stay behind the scenes so when I signed up for the site initially I picked anonymous and didnā€™t look how to switch settings after joining the leaderboard. Iā€™m named now!


Anon and solving problems out of order! Get him outa here! :smiley:


Haha, now Iā€™m just feeling abusedā€¦ Yeah I wanted to see if I could score points on the main leaderboard by doing the current dayā€™s challenge. I didnā€™t realize until after that 100 people figured it out in the first 20 minutes it was out, so that was wasted time. Now Iā€™m just going in reverse for some reason.


yeah, we donā€™t want no stinkin Kobayashi Maru-ers in here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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awright, time for work/life balanceā€¦ as in, itā€™s 2AM,this still doesnā€™t work I should get a lifeā€¦

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What language is everybody programming in?

Iā€™ve chosen C# which Iā€™ve taught myself to be able to customise Epicorā€¦ the use of arrays etc is really stretching my knowledge and understanding, and like @SteveFossey I could easily lose track of time and find myself still at my PC at 2AM!

C#. The kicker for me was running out of memory because I need a list longer than 2B entries, and realizing I didnā€™t pay attention during slide rule mathematics

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C# here as well. Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not the only one who attempted the massive list size before changing strategies!

Ive been using dart!


Maybe Rockstar is more appropriate :slight_smile: