We just updated to 10.2.300.10 from 10.0. We did our testing on 10.2.300.3 before the upgrade and didn’t seem the have many issues. Our consultants upgraded us to 10.2.300.10 and we are now having some strange issues. Is anyone else having issues with the 10.2.300.10 release? We have cases into Epicor Support for the first 2 issues below but so far have not made any progress.
Some examples of the issues we are having are below:
Can’t delete attachments from quotes.
Sales Order has a negative deposit error when creating a deposit invoice.
EpiCombo boxes turn to blank when clicked on, any data that was in it is cleared.
We’re seeing this with UserCodes too on 10.2.300.10. @hkeric.wci, did you have a ticket number that you gave to @Rich Riley so we can reference it in another call or piggy-back?