Anyway to seperate a PO - return to min on hand vs SO QTY

If we have min on hand for a part of 50, we are at 45 and SO QTY of 20 can Epicor separate POs/POlines so we see 5 come in for stock and 20 for SO QTY?


Are you OK with buy to order?

If your employees are not used to challenges (speaking from personal experience, ahem), then BTO is a bad idea.

Otherwise, I can’t see how you’d flag that…

Thanks Jason. My brain is getting frazzled and forgot about BTO. Still that has challenges as well like why maintain a stock level and also use BTO?

Yeah, Matt, it’s Friday; this is not the time to ask thoughtful questions. It’s when they always come to me, though. I think it’s because everyone else at work has lost all motivation and I can finally concentrate.

Anyway, I had this same argument last week with a coworker. (I was shooting the messenger.)

She was saying that the warehouse people wanted to know what every single PO’s purpose was. The real reason for the question was that the warehouse people are woefully behind in shipping and they are trying to find any reason to blame someone else. If we just had one more column in this screen, we could lick that laziness problem!

My response was, they need to get their noses out of other people’s business and get off their tails and do their actual jobs.

But we did talk about BTO. I’m like, well it would give the buyers (including this coworker) tons more paperwork to have to earmark every PO release to a sales order. And will the warehouse workers actually honor the idea that “Here’s a box of 50, but 13 go to this order, 17 go to this order and the other 20 go to the shelf”? If they don’t pick the parts in proper order now, why will BTO save them?

Anyway, that’s my rant for BTO. Maybe your people are more diligent or have less personnel turnover, etc. I think BTO really only hurts the office staff, rather than holding the warehouse accountable.

@jgiese.wci Jason loves BTO :slight_smile:

Man, you are some kind of evil for making me reread all of this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I wrote it and I have no clue what I was saying - 4 years ago.

And I am angry again and I don’t even know why.

Edit: also, I am embarrassed to say that I had utterly forgotten that BTO hits inventory (really?!) and is buggy with Time Phase… or it was in 2020. So… thank you?

I see on that other post that I said I put in a ticket. I’ll go see if there was any PRB or something made for it. (Not holding my breath…)


Shocker, the “enhancement request” was “Rejected.”

I appreciate the support person’s writeup, which was unambiguous (see highlighted part). I have always had good interactions with him.

Pretty sure it was “rejected” for the simple reason that Epicor Ideas came along and they terminated all work on “enhancement requests.” (I mean, it’s honestly a bug, but you know.)