Application Studio: Group By / Summaries?

I’m looking for 2 options for a grid:
1: Group By columns in my kinetic layer. I know that I can group by and save layout when it’s deployed but as far as I know, each user would need to do their own setup since it would only save for my current user

2: I don’t see any place in Application Studio to set the summary by default for a column. Is that an option or does everyone also need to do their own personnalisation of that/?

Set it in App Studio like you would outside of it.
It works 60% of the time, every time. Seriously, though–it’s a dice roll whether it will stick or not, but that’s where it’s supposed to be done.

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A lot of times it breaks the summary panel - I have 2 cases in with PRB Numbers to have this fixed in a coming release.

That would be correct, since Development has Not yet Resolved PRB0265586 / ERPS-223132.

This case is connected to an Open Problem [PRB0263070] All further updates will be provided on problem.

Thanks , didn’t know that you could actually set it like this. It was too easy I guess

Is there any way to decide which columns I want to show the sum of? I guess it always does it for all columns configured as ‘Number’ ?

Currently, it’s all or nothing.