Application Studio: how to convert simple classic dashboard with tracker view

Anyone else overwhelmed by the complexity of Application Studio, compared to the Classic UI Dashboard designer?? :grimacing::grimacing:

Straight grid dashboards with no other frills I was able to easily convert to a Kinetic application, but now that Iā€™m working on ones with nothing additional than a tracker view Iā€™m getting incredibly frustrated with Application Studio.

I just want a custom dashboard that doesnā€™t load results on open and instead presents the tracker view inputs to search, and then returns results. But when I convert my classic dashboard to a Kinetic application, it is creating the tracker view as a separate page and the fields are all grayed out when expanding the card. I can click the overflow menu on the results grid/page/card and select the tracker view name to slide out inputs, but that is after it has already returned results.

Essentially, I want it to convert these existing classic dashboards to act like the Sales Order Shipment Status system application does, which is that on load it does not expand the grid card and auto-slides in the filter card to input filter choices and then return results. I dug around at the various areas of that dashboard in Application Studio and it appears that in order for it to do all of that, thereā€™s some special events created. It just looks way more complex than what I want to spend time doing on a number of dashboards. And I havenā€™t even got to the dashboards we have that include multiple BAQs, multiple views of a BAQ, updatable dashboards, and ones with publishing/filtering and others with BAQ parameters.

Even after going through several of the progressively advanced Application Studio courses in Epicor Learning Center, I donā€™t feel any more confident using the damn thing.

Am I missing something incredibly simple through all of the options? Is it really this difficult? Am I better off rebuilding each one from scratch?

I feel your pain and frustration. I havenā€™t had a single customized dashboard convert properly.

No, yes, yes.

All the good Kinetic-bashing posts have been closed and locked.
Bugs for dinner anyone? - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (
Epicor Support Frustrations - Off Topic - Epicor User Help Forum (
I think we made a mistake going with Epicor - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

I do think Kinetic is getting better. @hmwillett might chime in and make it all sound easy-peasy. Donā€™t let her fool you! :laughing:

Lol, nope. Dashboards are awful.

It takes a looooot of work in 2022.2. In 2023.1 (I think) they made it the way you want now. I have yet to test that actually, but Iā€™m preeettty sure I saw that in the controlled release demos. :safe_harbor:

Essentially, what you need to do is create a new panel above your grid and add a container, then some columns. Go to the slide out and copy+pasta the fields over to the new grid you made. You can then delete the slide out.********
You will also need to create an event after form_onLoad that calls an event-next widget. The event to call would be whatever one is being called to initialize the slide out fields (youā€™ll have to do a trace with Dev Tools). Finally, make sure that the grid panel starts collapsed as expanding it is what fires the retrieve. If you leave it expanded, it will attempt to retrieve data after every field you tab out of which could be catastrophic if the unfiltered dataset is large.

****** Huge caveat that I found doing thisā€¦ If you delete that slide out, it will also delete/remove/hide/whatever the overflow menu that allows you to access App Studio. Super annoying, but not world ending as you can add /designer/pages to the URL before the question mark.

Parks And Recreation Godspeed GIF

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Appreciate the reply. Guess Iā€™ll look into doing all of that.

For the record, I am attempting to do this in 2023.1, so doesnā€™t appear the change you referenced that might have happened, actually did.

What are your thoughts on using BAQ parameters (where I can) to replace the old Classic Tracker View? I noticed in previewing the Kinetic application of one of my dashboards that uses BAQ parameters that it opens the dashboard with grid collapsed and parameters auto-slide out.

Did you report that? I would think they would want an alternative.

Of course you could always search for it in app studio landing page.

Nope. Do YOU want to talk to support? lolol

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Fair enough.

Itā€™s sad that so many of us feel this way at this point.

real and true GIF

Mehā€“Iā€™ve felt that way since Vantage 8.00.
Thereā€™s a few rockstars in support, but most areā€¦ less than ideal to work with.

Sorry for the ā€œnecropostā€ but the ā€œdisappearing overflow menuā€ problem still exists in 2023.2 and I wanted to give an update.
If you rename or remove the converted Search slide-out, the overflow menu disappears. I reported this and Epicor was able to reproduce and it is now an official problem.

Problem PRB0276515 - Accepted ā€“ Not Yet Planned
Problem Case has the following description:
Kinetic Dashboards with tracker created in the Dashboard designer and deployed out as a Kinetic Application makes the tracker as a slide-out page. If in Application Studio the tracker is deleted the overflow menu disappears.
Form - EpicCare (

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