Application Studio passing Parameters to BAQ

Couldn’t find my post either, lol. Found it:" Kinetic Dashboard with Parameters - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

Any who–this should help if you’re already familiar with configuring the REST widget:
Erp-baq send parameter to baq - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (

Novice application studio user here. I’m trying to follow this and add a similar panel card/event to call a BAQ. I cannot seem to call the BAQ silently or to pass BAQ to the panel card, instead a popup keeps coming up when I click on a quote. Trying to get the BAQ to populate when I expand the panel card. The BAQ has a calculated fields, not sure if that matters. The panel card doesn’t have any components, do I need to start there. Or do I have the wrong set up for EpBinding? Here’s what I have, any help would be appreciated.

From looking through this, is there a way to use expression parameters with an erp-baq widget in the same way you do with the BAQ where list in the provider model?

Since the panel card expand feature seems to be bugged for Panel Card Grids, I want to load a grid from a dataview BAQ executing via button click. Although, using parameters such as a date range expression doesn’t seem to be as easy as it is through the BAQ where list.

Hannah, to add to this thread about BAQ parameters, etc, Once my Data View loads from the BAQ, I want to pass it to a Function. I’m passing it from a button click via a Parameter set as “dataset”. However, the dataset is received as empty in the Function (no tables). I’ve noticed that the parameter is labeled as “Dataset ID”, however I don’t see that for the Data View, just “Data View ID”. Is there something else I’ve missed? Thanks!