Approved Customers

If it’s as simple as some customers are approved and some are not, and some parts need to be bought by approved customers, and other’s not – you can likely handle with some UD checkboxes and some BPMs.

If it’s more a matter of matching parts with particular customers, and it sounds like that’s what you’re trying to do, then you’ll likely want to establish a UD table of parts as a child table to the Customer table, or a UD table of customers as a child to the part table. This will involve some customization in the Customer or Part Entry programs, and then some BPM’s to validate Part/Customer in Order Entry.

Feel free to contact me offline if you want to talk it through a bit.

Kevin Simon

SimsTrak Consulting

From: [] On Behalf Of Nick
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Approved Customers...

Here is the scenario we would like to have epicor do. We havent gone live
yet so we are trying to determine if this is something that E9 can do out of
the box, or if we need a customization.

Customer A is an approved purchaser of Part 123(our part number is ABC) for
the government.
Customer B is not approved, but calls in and wants to buy part 123 for the

Besides maintaining a list somewhere else, can we put limits on who can
purchase what?

The other scenario, is Customer A wants to putchase part 123. No problem
lets sell it to them.
Customer B wants to purchase part number ABC(our part). But they want their
part number to be 789. No problem.

We dont want Customer A to call in and try to purchase part 789, because
that is Customer b's part, not theirs.

I know its confusing, but its the US government.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Here is the scenario we would like to have epicor do. We havent gone live
yet so we are trying to determine if this is something that E9 can do out of
the box, or if we need a customization.

Customer A is an approved purchaser of Part 123(our part number is ABC) for
the government.
Customer B is not approved, but calls in and wants to buy part 123 for the

Besides maintaining a list somewhere else, can we put limits on who can
purchase what?

The other scenario, is Customer A wants to putchase part 123. No problem
lets sell it to them.
Customer B wants to purchase part number ABC(our part). But they want their
part number to be 789. No problem.

We dont want Customer A to call in and try to purchase part 789, because
that is Customer b's part, not theirs.

I know its confusing, but its the US government.
We do something that might work for you, using price lists. All of our
parts have a zero selling price (in the part master). We have multiple
price lists and carefully maintain which customers use which price lists
and which parts are on each price list. When an order is created, it
either picks up the price list price, or zero if nothing is set up for
that customer and part. Treat a zero price on an order as an error and
prevent the order from proceeding (or whatever your process is).

This will work for your first scenario. However, I don't know how well
this will work based on customer part numbers (your second scenario).
We don't really use them and we've set this all up using our internal
part numbers.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Nick
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Approved Customers...

Here is the scenario we would like to have epicor do. We havent gone
yet so we are trying to determine if this is something that E9 can do
out of
the box, or if we need a customization.

Customer A is an approved purchaser of Part 123(our part number is ABC)
the government.
Customer B is not approved, but calls in and wants to buy part 123 for

Besides maintaining a list somewhere else, can we put limits on who can
purchase what?

The other scenario, is Customer A wants to putchase part 123. No problem

lets sell it to them.
Customer B wants to purchase part number ABC(our part). But they want
part number to be 789. No problem.

We dont want Customer A to call in and try to purchase part 789, because

that is Customer b's part, not theirs.

I know its confusing, but its the US government.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In Vantage 8, there is an Xpart (customer part can be put in there)

From: [] On Behalf Of Brian Roberts
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Approved Customers...

We do something that might work for you, using price lists. All of our
parts have a zero selling price (in the part master). We have multiple
price lists and carefully maintain which customers use which price lists
and which parts are on each price list. When an order is created, it
either picks up the price list price, or zero if nothing is set up for
that customer and part. Treat a zero price on an order as an error and
prevent the order from proceeding (or whatever your process is).

This will work for your first scenario. However, I don't know how well
this will work based on customer part numbers (your second scenario).
We don't really use them and we've set this all up using our internal
part numbers.



From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of Nick
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Approved Customers...

Here is the scenario we would like to have epicor do. We havent gone
yet so we are trying to determine if this is something that E9 can do
out of
the box, or if we need a customization.

Customer A is an approved purchaser of Part 123(our part number is ABC)
the government.
Customer B is not approved, but calls in and wants to buy part 123 for

Besides maintaining a list somewhere else, can we put limits on who can
purchase what?

The other scenario, is Customer A wants to putchase part 123. No problem

lets sell it to them.
Customer B wants to purchase part number ABC(our part). But they want
part number to be 789. No problem.

We dont want Customer A to call in and try to purchase part 789, because

that is Customer b's part, not theirs.

I know its confusing, but its the US government.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]