Anyone know if APR (Advanced Print Routing) allows you to use HTML to format email templates?

Not out of the box, it’s text only.

Is there a not out of the box solution?

Not that I am aware of. There was some talk about it on the forum a while back.

Believe me, I love branding and logos and fully understand their importance. I wish we had logos!

I train on APR and talk about the branding opportunity it offers, even with text only emails.

Deliver a consistent message on each transaction with useful information.

If you review trends in ecommerce transactions, people are data junkies during their transactions.
APR, compared to APM, allows us to easily add data from transaction to email.
Add data fields to the subject and body. Add the tracking number to the invoice email.
Ensure the customer can recognize the invoice pdf is legitimate and comes from your organization. Sending an AR invoice is easy, you still need to get paid.