Attachments during conversion from Vantage 8.03 to Epicor 10

I’m curious if anyone knows the answer to this…

We have our process documents attached to each pertinent part in Vantage. When converting from Vantage 8.03 to Epicor 10, is there a way to maintain these document attachments or do they have to be refreshed individually?

Thank you in advance for your response.

Judy Havlik
Plitek LLC.

We went from Syteline to E10 but I used a PowerShell script to generate urls and then used DMT to insert them, if I remember correctly.

@judyh001 If you are going thru all of the stages with Epicor up to 905.702A then to 10.X they should come with, but as @SteveFossey stated you can reattach them via DMT.

Are you using Epicor Upgrade services? They can advise on what is the simplest way to run the process. I think they have a three pass process for around 6,500 US and a round doesn’t count until it is successful.