Automatically Email/Fax Invoices/Statement from Epicor - Part 2a

Hi All

I havent had chance to write part 3 next, but the following is a quick step
which needs doing.

Within the sub-report, you need to include the following formula and display it
above the previous created formula in step 2. This will tell Altec what Document
Type it is so it can send it in the right direction.

Create a formula in the Sub-Report called 'Email or Fax'.

Paste the following in the formula ...

if ({By Mail} > '0') AND ({By Mail} < 'a') then "Fax"
If InStr({By Post}, '@') > 0 then "Email" & " " & {INVCHEAD.Customer_LangNameID}
If (InStr({By Post}, '@') < 0) AND ({By Mail} > 'a')
' '

If you dont require the different languages to send to different places, you can
leave off <<& " " & {INVCHEAD.Customer_LangNameID}>>.

Insert a text box on the sub-report and type in e.g. ARFormAuto[space] <<< This
is recommended to be the name of your new .rpt.

Drag the new formula 'Email or Fax' on to the sub-report.

Now drag the formula into the text box so the text box looks like this ...

ARFormAuto {@Email of Fax}

Lay it out in the sub-report so you have the text box containing text and the
formula and put the {By Mail} formula underneath.

Leave these both in black text for now. Once Altec is configured, the text box
line can be turned to white.

We display the sub-report in Page Header at the top of our document, but I think
it will work everywhere.

Now, if you repivew your report, the date in the sub-report should read ...

ARFormAuto Email

or for fax etc.

Sorry for the delays in getting Part 3 out, but we are having bad weather over
in the UK and we have many people off due to the snow.


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