Where are you using the BAQ? Dashboard, BAQ Report, etc.
There are a few tricks that can be used such as ENTRY(1,OrderHed.SalesRepList,"~~") but they cannot be used at the BAQ level to perform table joins - you'll have to tweak the Dashboard or BAQ Report a bit once you modify the BAQ.
There are a few tricks that can be used such as ENTRY(1,OrderHed.SalesRepList,"~~") but they cannot be used at the BAQ level to perform table joins - you'll have to tweak the Dashboard or BAQ Report a bit once you modify the BAQ.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "jplehr" <jlehr@...> wrote:
> Vantage 8.03.408A
> I have a BAQ that is pulling information for booked orders by salesperson and is used monthly to see what sales has done and where they stand against each other and as a total.
> The BAQ has been working very well and been in use for a couple of years (modifications along the way). We have never split a order between salespeople. Recently we entered a order, which was split between two salespeople and the information disappeared from my BAQ. I say disappeared because it was listed when assigned to just one salesperson. As soon as the second salesperson was entered the information was not pulled into the BAQ at all.
> Can someone help me understand how to get the data into my BAQ. Below is the BAQ...
> for each OrderHed no-lock , each OrderDtl where (OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company and OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum) no-lock , each Customer where (OrderHed.Company = Customer.Company and OrderHed.CustNum = Customer.CustNum) no-lock , each ProdGrup outer-join where (OrderDtl.Company = ProdGrup.Company and OrderDtl.ProdCode = ProdGrup.ProdCode) no-lock , each SalesRep where (OrderHed.Company = SalesRep.Company and OrderHed.SalesRepList = SalesRep.SalesRepCode) no-lock .
> Thanks,
> Jeff