BAQ Sub Query No Record replace with Zero

I have one baq which has more subqueries when sub querires doesn`t return any record in main query it shows as null value Field i want it to be replace with zero i tried isnull function but not working. kindly help me @josecgomez

What does your query layout look like

I just did this recently in a calculated field. The below should work fine

(case when {ServiceLevelMask} IS NULL then 0 else {ServiceLevelMask} end)

Hello @josecgomez & @cfinley

Thanks for your quick response. this is how my query design looks like, simple i just want to add day count say holiday + casual leave days+ friday leave days = total days since most of the time say holiday count is coming from holiday sub query return no records but i want to replace with zero so that i can calculate total days in main query though there will be no holiday . image for your reference. i tried isnull function but nothing works returns blank only.

Use @cfinley’s suggestion in a calc field in your top level query

Great that’s worked Fine …I was trying too much of idea this is very simple.

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You can also use the simpler formula like this rather than the case statement if you want to.


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