Bees are more attracted to Honey than to Vinegar

Epicor sent you bananas? :laughing:

We are seeing more engagement recently. I hope this trend continues.

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Beat me to it @aosemwengie1

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Banana for scale. :sweat_smile:

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Honestly… I would LOVE it if they sent me treats of some sort.
I don’t need pens and notebooks and whatnot.
I do, however, enjoy pastries. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know-what-I-mean Epicor? :smiley:

Apologies -Chuang Tzu

If a man steps on a stranger’s foot
In the marketplace,
He makes a polite apology
And offers an explanation:
“This place is so crowded.”

If an elder brother
Steps on his younger brother’s foot
He says, “Sorry.”
And that is that.

If a parent steps on his child’s foot
Nothing is said at all.

The greatest politeness
Is free from all formality.
Perfect conduct is free of concern.
Perfect wisdom is unplanned.
Perfect love is without demonstrations.
Perfect sincerity offers no guarantee.

All right, thank you for the reminder and the clarifications.
Thank you @timshuwy for going to war for us on this and sorry if we made it feel like we don’t appreciate it. We appreciate your participation very much.

I am closing this thread and the other thread about this topic, it is time to move on. We shot our shot, now let’s play by the rules. Let us go back to being the helpful cheerleader of a community we have always been.