BPM - ABL code help

Epicor 9.05.701

In Order Entry there is Header/Comments (OrderHed.OrderComment)

What i need: If data is entered / updated into this area I need an email to multiple members of staff which will include:

  1. the order number
  2. customer name
  3. the text within the comment field.

Many thanks in advance. I’d be so grateful if somebody could help me with this code / bpm setup.

You shouldn’t need any code for this, write a BPM on Pre-Processing Update condition OrderHed.OrderComment changed from any to any
Action -> Send Email

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i’ll give it a go in TEST.

Thanks Jose

I think i must be doing something slightly wrong as the email is not being received:

Create a new BAM for the OrderHed table and add any fields that you want
displayed in the email.

Set Action to send email to recipients using Alert Program. (See
below) You will need to create the Alert
Program before completing this step.

Set Rule to OrderComment > ‘’ and Test to validate.

Using a text editor, create the Alert Program, OrderHedComments.p, and save
\YourServer\Epicor905\Server\ud\ folder…


Brian M. Garver
Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc.

Thank you.
Out of preference, id like to do this the BPM route, rather than BAM simply because if we move to 10.1 in the future BAM’s are no longer supported in later versions.

it seemed to be the email address i was sending it to

its now working.

thanks for everybody’s help

what is the correct syntax for doing multiple addresses?

johnsmith@address1, johnsmith2@address1,

comma or ; or something else?


I believe it is a semicolon without a space.

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Just my personal opinion: I don’t like putting personal email addresses in code. I create an inbound distribution group (in the mail server, not in Outlook) and then maintain the members there. That way you don’t have to change code if someone goes on vacation, or leaves, etc.

Mark W.

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While Jose is correct you can do this in a bpm, I like using a BAM so I can make a nicer looking and versatile email.

Attached is one I made from an OrderRel bam I had. It has not been tested.

You have the OLD data available, so you can show the original comment and the new like I do with credit limits below.

IF Customer.CreditLimit <> OldCustomer.CreditLimit Then Do:
vBody = vBody + “~n~n~tOld Credit Limit:” + string(OldCustomer.CreditLimit,"$>>>,>>>,>>9") +
“~n~n~tNew Credit Limit:” + string(Customer.CreditLimit,"$>>>,>>>,>>9").
Else do:
vBody = vBody + “~n~n~tCredit Limit:” + string(Customer.CreditLimit,"$>>>,>>>,>>9").

If you want to do this then make a bam on the comment field being changed and first make send the generic email. The instructions attached are from the Vantage site on how to make a bam.


OrderHedEmail.p (1.65 KB)

BAM example Sale Order Release Drop Ship Alert.doc (355 KB)

Semicolon is what I use, but I usually do semicolon with a space and haven’t had problems with the space.

Kevin Simon