Thanks for that tip- I have created a BPM Data Form and created then a customized version of that form (to make it look pretty etc) but I can’t seem to find any c# code examples of how to actually call that form via custom code.
Is there any reference material for doing this- I have looked in the Ice tools customization guide, BPM guide, and customization guide over at Epicweb but can’t seem to find much on this?
Is there a way to call a BPM Data Form from custom C# code? I’m having to code in a form customization and need to have a prompt. It would be great to be able to call a BPM Data Form and use that, if possible.
I have done this but it really works quite poorly when called from custom code. If you are simply looking for a way to prompt the user for something in a form customization, there are much better ways to accomplish that than trying to call a BPM data form. You should note that it will only be called from your form customization, not from a BPM.
I am interested in changing the size of the popup message box when I call PublishInfoMessage simply because I am displaying debug info at various points in my C# code to test my understanding of whether my code is calculating something correctly. It is wasting a lot of time for me to try to resize each popup so I can see all the info. It also is annoying that the default action if I hit “Enter” is the “Detail” button instead of “OK” (so I have to hit TAB TAB TAB ENTER or else mouse over to the “OK”) but that is a different matter I suppose.
But it sounds like, and correct me if I am wrong, that you are saying that there really isn’t a good way to accomplish this?
Have you considered logging to a file instead? The “logging” ecosystem is really growing in the web application arena these days. A lot of very powerful tools in the market. Logging is integral to the SysOps movement too. And since we seem to be heading that way…
Note that the possible values for message type are: Information, Question, Warning, Error, UpdateConflict. The possible values for the InfoMessageDisplayMode are: Individual & Grid.
Anyone know what using Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Grid does?
The messages box looks the same as when you use .Individual
I mean making a message with multiple values
(i.e. infoMessage.MessageItems.Count > 1)
Everything I try fails a syntax check. Error’s like cannot convert from 'string[]' to 'string'
and cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>' to 'string'
whoops… I was composing when you made your last post.
But it looks like you make 3 consecutive calls. Is there a way to pass a variable with multiple items (not a string, or array of strings - unless that works) in a single call?
Nope, I think the idea is you are building your message as you go, then after the call is done, it compiles them
If you REALLY wanted to do it that way I suppose you could use anonymous funcs
Action<List<string>> doMessage = messages => {
foreach(var msg in messages)
PublishInfoMessage(msg, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Gridl, string.Empty, string.Empty);
then you can
var MyMessages = new List<string>();