BPM For Sales Order

Has anyone created a BPM that sets the order quantity on a new line item to 1?

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yes, you should be able to use a POST processing on the SalesOrder Get New Detail method, and set the value to 1

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Hi Tim,

Thanks for the input. This is my attempt at my first BPM, so I am pretty green… I add this as you suggested but it doesn’t seem to work. Any thoughts on what I might have wrong?

I appreciate any help.


Stuart Powell

Cookshack, Inc.

Looks like you are doing it in Pre-Processing instead of Post-Processing

I tried pre and it didn’t work…

Stuart Powell

Cookshack, Inc.

Right. I would not work in Pre. It MUST be in Post.
If you think about it, the method is getting a new record. If you do it before (Pre), there isn’t a record yet.


Any chance you could open the box where you set the qty to 1 and take a screen shot of it for me. It is the only thing that I can figure out that I have done wrong on this… I added a couple of messages one on each side of the set field to 1 and both of them work…

Have you tried it in a POST processing BPM yet?



The Set Field block should be SellingQuantity, not Order Qty


Cool company Stuart

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@timshuwy - Pssst … have you tried that?

It didn’t work for me until I changed the field to set to ttOrderDtl.SellingQuantity


I assume this has to do with the relationship between OrderQty and SellingQuantity.

I always assumed they were just conversions of each other based on SellingUM. Setting either, would just cause the other to be updated. But it looks like SellingQuantity is the driver (the one you should set) and OrderQty is the follower (one based off the Selling Qty)

Thank you guys for all the help. It was the field, it should have been SellingQuantity. Learned a good lesson about always checking the field help to make sure you are talking about the right field. Look forward to paying this forward to someone else in the future.
And Brad thanks, we love making great cooking equipment around here…

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