BPM to mark the last operation to autoreceive in engineering workbench

Can this be done with straight widgets? Or is code required? Has anyone done this? and if so, how did you accomplish it? Still getting my head around how Epicor does things, coming from Progress based Syteline. Queries were fairly easy/straightforward and didn’t have all the convoluted wrapper stuff.

What are you trying to do, and why? (Whats the business problem?) Epicor has a flag at the operation level to autoreceive materials when the last operation is marked complete. Are you saying you want to do this through EngWB? If you want to find the methods that epicor uses, turn on tracing, and then perform the action manually in epicor. For example log some time against the final operation (that has been marked as autorevceive), then look at that trace to see what methods epicor is using. If you haven’t done traces before, poke around on the forum for Jose’s excellent Trace Parser Utility for client and browser versions.
Good luck!

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Due to limited staff, we were trying to eliminate a step for our clerk. I need to find the last op which varies by part and set the autoreceive flag to true. I had it working somewhat with a BPM, however it marked the last operation that you looked at/clicked on as autoreceive which obviously isn’t what we want; we want the last op… I am trying to use Erp.BO.EngWorkBench.Update.

Ohhh I see. This would be a lot easier in DMT if you have it. So it sounds like you want your parts to be autorecieve, but you didn’t set it up that way initially. You must be changing the master revisions, which requires the checkout and approve/checkin processes. While these are possible to duplicate in BPMs, they are complicated. Take alook at my thread over here to see how tricky it is to work with EngWB through BPMs:
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