Broken OrderAck Report

The OrderAck report has a notoriously long Query Expression. So long that it can sometimes exceed the max length allowed by the Report Builder’s editor. So just opening the Query Expression to view it, may not load the entire expression. Then if you use the Ok button to close it, it might get updated with the truncated query. This probably didn’t happen to you. But has to other people (after they’ve made earlier edits to it).

The steps to modify the built-in report are:

  1. Duplicate the report style in Report Style Maint.
  2. Duplicate the RDD (ex: OrderAck_001)
  3. Edit RDD OrderAck_001, un-hiding the desired field
  4. Open the copy of the OrderAck RDL created in step 1. It should be in the reports/CustomReports/SalesOrderAcknoledgment “folder”.
  5. Edit the query expression for the appropriate dataset (probably OrderHed). Adding the the new field to the expression. Usually you find the last item in the SELECT section for the table the field is in. Typically, the table is T1. So change
    ....T1.SomeFieldFromOrderHed, T2.SomeOrdDtlField, ... to:
    ....T1.SomeFieldFromOrderHed, T1.EntryPerson, T2.SomeOrdDtlField, ...
  6. Add the query field to the dataset. This is different than adding it to the expression. In the data set properties window, there should be a tab for Fields, Add a Query Field. Give it the same name and reference that was added in step 5. Ex:[EntryPerson]
  7. back in the Report Style Maint, set the source of the RDD on the new style you made to OrderAck_001