I’m working with our Sales team and they’ve identified that although their Outlook syncs emails to CRM Calls, it does not sync anything from the calendar. Are we setup wrong? Is there a way?
Any insight is appreciated.
Building on this, is there a way to force the call type to be something when Outlook syncs a call? I’m sure a BPM could do it - but I imagine in the setup of the syncing relationship there may be settings. Where do you go to check those syncing settings?
What are you using with Outlook? ConnectCX? or Information Worker or ?
Information Worker, I am told. I am trying to get our IT to come install it on my PC so I can poke around. From what I read in the documentation, it can sync appointments, so I assume it would sync meetings also.
I do have the Information Worker installed on my Outlook now.
Hi Dan,
Looking down the road, Microsoft is moving away from .Com add-ins for Office. Information Worker is a .Com add-in. Is Epicor building a replacement using the web add-in model?
Food for thought.
This isn’t really a “maybe we can use this tool” question. It’s a “we’re using it currently but want to get the most out of it” question. I’m sure if it gets deprecated there will be some other CRM tool or application that we will find to do something similar.