We are testing Kinetic to go live in a few months. Many have been making personalizations in our test environment. Is it possible to export these and import them into our Production DB when we go live? If yes, how can this be done?
We are testing Kinetic to go live in a few months. Many have been making personalizations in our test environment. Is it possible to export these and import them into our Production DB when we go live? If yes, how can this be done?
Yes. Go to Customization Maintenance. Lookup the user name, and load the personalization for the form you want (or customization if needed). Click Actions > Export Customization. Then in Live, go to the same location Actions > Import Customization.
I haven’t done this personally, but it is pretty straight-forward. Let us know if you have any issues.
Good luck!
no way to do with with DMT if there is a large about of people you need to do this for? I am guessing the way you described is done per user, correct?
Correct. I am not sure if you can DMT this data or not. You may be able to do this using the solution workbench, but I haven’t been using that tool for a while, so I can’t recall if it does personalization’s.
Personalizations are so easy to make, I always tell my users to just remake them in live. Once they are done in live they will stay saved, so any pilot updates will show the personalizations in the future.
i have been telling them they can remake them but just thought I check on it.
There is a table that holds personalization information. The table XXXDef has all this data in it. The type field should be personalization, The key 1 will have the userID, Key2 will be the form, and the Content field will have the actual personalization information. There are likely other important fields here. For example, the XXXChunk table also has fields related to the personalization.
I am still not sure if you can DMT, it, but you may be able to at least get a report out of who has personalized what.