Cancel Physical Inventory After a Few Parts Have Been Posted


This may not be possible but I was wondering If there was any way for me to cancel a physical inventory count after several parts have already been posted?
It seems that with physical inventory I can not void any tags and I can not cancel because some parts have posted already. Wondering what options are out there, if any? Or if I would just have to enter a quantity for every tag?

Do you mean “tags entered”, as opposed to “posted”?

I mean posted:

Actions -> Cancel Cycle? It’s not going to reverse any posted transactions.

Doesn’t seem possible once adjustments are posted. The action is now greyed out for me:

Seems like the only option is to get all the tags returned!

That makes sense. If it’s not going to reverse transactions, it’s just not going to let you cancel. It was a shot in the dark. I’ve never actually cancelled a count myself. All tags must be accounted for in full physicals and any missed parts in a cycle count can be rolled over to the next day.

That was my fear, I wish there was at least a way to void the tags and call off the count.
Oh well, this is why I practiced in our test environment :slight_smile:

Nope… once you have posted, there is no such thing as cancelling. Prior to posting, you can cancel (almost too easily… it does ask “Are you sure” to which it WILL if you are sure.) and all the tags go away.

What was your workaround to clear out the cycle count to resolve the issue? Did you have to manually enter a count for each tag in order to process it through correctly? We have an open cycle count in the same scenario from 2021 that we need to clear or cancel it. Why does system allow you to partial post?

Epicor is able to provide a fix for this. I have mine, ran it through test but no to production yet.

It does no do anything to the transactions, which is what I requested, since half were posted, and months went by.

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Good to know there is a fix for this. What was the problem resolution statement that required a fix for this issue scenario?

Its a specific ‘datafix’ for our DB and would probably have to be created by Epicor. Yes, you could start deleting records in SQL but they will not help you out if that causes future issues.

Our problem was that our counting did not go well, and decided to post majority of what we had that was correct, then deal with the rest later. As inventory changed and time went by, the snapshot number of the cycle counts onhand was no longer valid. Any tags would still be compared to the snapshot number, which would cause +/- ADJ-QTY on a lot of stuff.

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