Can't make an update in a data directive when row is being deleted?

Hey Everyone,

I am working on kind of an odd data directive. Basically we are putting the project ID on the OrderHed in a UD field. Almost all of our orders are going to have the order lines be on the same project (but not always) so I have some code that looks at any updated OrderDtl records on a data directive, and if there is only 1 unique project number, will set the header to that number. This will be used to default any new lines that are added.

If they change all of the project numbers, it will see when they change the last one, that they are back to a single unique project number, and change the header project accordingly.

If they have more than one project on the order, it just sticks with the first project it was set to. They’ll have to figure out what they want to do with orders on 2 different project.

Anyways, all of that works fine except (puts on QA hat) except for one possible situation. If the number of unique project ID’s is reduced to a singe ID by the act of deleting a line, I will still need to update the header project. What I’m finding though, is that when the rowMod is D (deleted) my Db.Validate() is not updating the database.

Is this is known thing? Anyone have any workarounds for this? Below is the code for this.

 using (var txScope  = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
  List<string> projects = new List<string>();
  foreach (var x in ttOrderDtl.Where(x=> x.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED || x.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_DELETED))
      int exOrdLine = 0;
      if (x.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_DELETED)
        exOrdLine = x.OrderLine;
      projects = (from ordLine in Db.OrderDtl
                where ordLine.Company == x.Company
                && ordLine.OrderNum == x.OrderNum
                && ordLine.OrderLine != exOrdLine
                select ordLine.ProjectID).ToList();
      if (x.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED)
    List<string> uniProj = new List<string>();
    uniProj = projects.Distinct().Where(p=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)).ToList();
    int projCount = uniProj.Count();
    if (projCount == 1)
      var orderHead = (from oh in Db.OrderHed
                      where oh.Company == x.Company
                      && oh.OrderNum == x.OrderNum
                      select oh).FirstOrDefault();
      if (orderHead.ProjectID_c != uniProj[0])
      //the message line in here are for debugging. Bothg of the them fire correctly during both update and delete, but the DB is only updated during an update
      InfoMessage.Publish($"orderhead project id {orderHead.ProjectID_c.ToString()} uniProj: {uniProj[0].ToString()}");
      orderHead.ProjectID_c = uniProj[0];
      InfoMessage.Publish($"orderhead project id {orderHead.ProjectID_c.ToString()} uniProj: {uniProj[0].ToString()}");
    InfoMessage.Publish(string.Join(",", uniProj));

So to fix this, I just moved it to a standard directive instead of an in-transaction directive. Since I’m not stopping anything on the transaction anyways, there’s no reason for a Standard not to work here. (not sure why I didn’t think of that before) thanks @josecgomez.

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Try Standard Directive – it would be the best place for this.

Back to your DD try

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