Yesterday around 5pm accounting started the capture process. It took nearly two hours for it to actually start processing any records. How/why is this so slow to start processing and is there anything that can be done to make it faster?
How often do they run the process? the less often it is run, the longer it takes when you actually do run it.
One option that makes the run go quicker is to run it nightly… BUT, those nightly runs are dated to only capture transactions that are at least 3 days old… This gives you 3 days to correct any labor transactions before they get frozen by the capture.
Then at month end, you run it one more time on the 1st of the next month to close out everything for prior month.
This tactic makes sure that you are incrementally processing in small daily groups of jobs.
@timshuwy how would the setup look in the Capture COS/WIP Activity form? I don’t see how you can dynamically get the ending date to be 3 days ago, if that is even how you would set this up? Thanks.
I have always wished that this “Dynamic” dating had a little more flexability… I wish you could just the COUNT of PERIOD types… ie -5 days, +2 Weeks, +9 Months, etc… but for some reason, development still has this fixed list…
BUT All is not lost. In this case, you CAN achieve the goal by scheduling the process to run on 5 separate schedules… run it every weekday Morning, with separate parameters for each launch. Example shown in the screenshot, you would create a schedule called “Monday Early Morning”, and then choose the ending date for the Monday run to be “Last Thursday”. Following this logic, you would have:
- Sched–Ending Date
- Mon–Last Thursday
- Tues–Last Friday
- Wed–Last Monday
- Thr–Last Tuesday
Fri–Last Wednesday
Thank you @timshuwy for the useful insight and explanation, I will look into this with our accounting team and see if we want to implement this process.