Jobheaders have to due dates: Jobhead.ReqDueDate (set when MRP creates an unfirmed job plan - or manually set by a planner if job is manually created: never changes unless YOU change it) and JobHead.DueDate (which can change with every reschedule).
It's the dif between those 2 dates (multiplied by the sched multiplier assigned to Sched Codes you've created & assigned to each job) that are used by the Calc Job Scheduling Order as a pseudo-critical ratio so jobs important to you (high multipliers) and latest to ReqDueDate are given 1st look by the Global in order to improve things in an ever changing capacity/load environment.
I think JobReqDue IS your fixed, preserved date (and yes: I would change log track it to know who & when it may have been manually changed).
--- Original Message ---
From:"CharlieSmith" <CSmith@...>
Sent:Fri 6/11/10 6:44 pm
Subj:RE: [Vantage] Capturing Initial JobHead.DueDate
Have you tried a BAM on the fields? That way you capture the information
you are looking for and everyone has access to it in the change log for
the job.
Charlie Smith
Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /
From: [] On Behalf
Of Virginia
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 4:46 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Capturing Initial JobHead.DueDate
Has anyone developed a way of capturing the JobHead.Duedate when the job
is initially scheduled or creating an audit log each time the
JobHead.DueDate changes? The basic idea of what I would like to do is to
capture the JobHead.DueDate when the job is originally scheduled so that
anytime the job is rescheduled and the JobHead.DueDate is updated, I
will still have access to the original JobHead.DueDate for reporting and
analysis purposes. I would probably use the Released checkbox as the
indicator that the date in the JobHead.DueDate is ready to be "captured"
as the originally scheduled due date. I would need some kind of filter
in addition to the field simply being populated by the scheduling
process because a job is usually scheduled and then moved around before
the initial due date is accurate. I do not want to simply capture the
JobHead.DueDate as soon as it is populated by the scheduling process.
We just started using the scheduling module this year and scheduling is
definitely not my strongest subject so maybe there is an obvious
solution I am missing?
Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
vjoseph@... <>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It's the dif between those 2 dates (multiplied by the sched multiplier assigned to Sched Codes you've created & assigned to each job) that are used by the Calc Job Scheduling Order as a pseudo-critical ratio so jobs important to you (high multipliers) and latest to ReqDueDate are given 1st look by the Global in order to improve things in an ever changing capacity/load environment.
I think JobReqDue IS your fixed, preserved date (and yes: I would change log track it to know who & when it may have been manually changed).
--- Original Message ---
From:"CharlieSmith" <CSmith@...>
Sent:Fri 6/11/10 6:44 pm
Subj:RE: [Vantage] Capturing Initial JobHead.DueDate
Have you tried a BAM on the fields? That way you capture the information
you are looking for and everyone has access to it in the change log for
the job.
Charlie Smith
Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /
From: [] On Behalf
Of Virginia
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 4:46 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Capturing Initial JobHead.DueDate
Has anyone developed a way of capturing the JobHead.Duedate when the job
is initially scheduled or creating an audit log each time the
JobHead.DueDate changes? The basic idea of what I would like to do is to
capture the JobHead.DueDate when the job is originally scheduled so that
anytime the job is rescheduled and the JobHead.DueDate is updated, I
will still have access to the original JobHead.DueDate for reporting and
analysis purposes. I would probably use the Released checkbox as the
indicator that the date in the JobHead.DueDate is ready to be "captured"
as the originally scheduled due date. I would need some kind of filter
in addition to the field simply being populated by the scheduling
process because a job is usually scheduled and then moved around before
the initial due date is accurate. I do not want to simply capture the
JobHead.DueDate as soon as it is populated by the scheduling process.
We just started using the scheduling module this year and scheduling is
definitely not my strongest subject so maybe there is an obvious
solution I am missing?
Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
vjoseph@... <>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]