Controlling Access to Part Entry (V8)

Hmmm, this sounds like a good idea.

How will you deal with users getting to these screens when they uses
context menus though?


Joe Rojas

IT Manager

TNCO, Inc.

781-447-6661 x7506



From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark Wonsil
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Controlling Access to Part Entry (V8)

> What is the best way to manage this? I looked at Method security under
> Process Security Maintenance and it looks promising although daunting.

We had the same issue with Customers and credit limits. We tried process
security but we get error messages (that don't stop you from anything)
it's quite annoying.

I'm starting to lean toward a customization version for each group
because you
set the customization entry point at the menu. In the end, you'll have a
item that launches with one capability, another for other capabilities,
and now you're back to plan menu control.

Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I am setting up security for our production database and most of the
security can be managed with Menu Security using Security Groups because
most programs are group by job function.

Then you have things like Part Entry where several departments will be
responsible for managing different parts of this program.

What is the best way to manage this? I looked at Method security under
Process Security Maintenance and it looks promising although daunting.


Joe Rojas

IT Manager

TNCO, Inc.

781-447-6661 x7506


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> What is the best way to manage this? I looked at Method security under
> Process Security Maintenance and it looks promising although daunting.

We had the same issue with Customers and credit limits. We tried process
security but we get error messages (that don't stop you from anything) but
it's quite annoying.

I'm starting to lean toward a customization version for each group because you
set the customization entry point at the menu. In the end, you'll have a menu
item that launches with one capability, another for other capabilities, etc.
and now you're back to plan menu control.

Mark W.