Convert Warehouse to Site

Is there a way to convert a warehouse into a site? I can create one from scratch and mark things inactive and get people up to speed with the new strategy… but it would sure be nice if I could just take our existing warehouse and convert it to a site or at a minimum move it from one site to a new one that we are setting up.

There is no simple solution to convert a warehouse to a site. Even the posting rules logic work different for a site than for a warehouse.

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OK, do you know if I can move a warehouse from one site to another?

No I don’t think so, but you can explore the option to share warehouses

On a related topic, can I do anything to mark a warehouse as “Inactive”? I have a warehouse in a site that we are moving away from and I can see people seeing that warehouse and mistaking it for the new site.

Recently had the same problem there is an idea to make them inactive
Option to make warehouse inactive | Epicor Ideas Portal (
We renamed ours as DO NOT USE unfortunately we have 2, duplicate descriptions are not allowed so the other is NOT IN USE dumb solution but there’s nothing else until Epicor adds an inactive flag :frowning: