Create ECO Group ID automatically

I am newer to Epicor BPM and I want to create a default ECO Group ID that gets created every time somebody creates a new ECO. I want it to be ECO with an incrementing number. I currently have the bpm setup on post-processing and can get ECO0 to create but I can’t get it to increment past that. Any help/ideas would be appreciated.

EDIT: Ignore previous comment. I just tested this. Yes, run a post processing BPM on Erp.BO.EngWorkBench.GetNewECOGroup

Use a “Set Field” widget on ttEcoGroup.GroupID and probably Description too.

For getting a incremental number, I’d use a BAQ to look at the existing groups and add one. You could also do a custom field, but I avoid those personally.

Okay, I am able to set the field to ECO but how would I go about referencing a BAQ in the BPM and then attaching those to fields together so it would be ECO###?

My first thought is using an “Update Table by Query” but I remember those can be tricky with aggregation or loops. So…probably Custom Code block.

We decided to use the ECO case type in case entry for Engineering Change Request. Thank you for the ideas though.