Create part rev error

i got an issue when I tried to create new revision. i don’t know what I give wrong. i got internal error 500. don’t know where is wrong. below is the input parameters for Update method in partsvc.



  "ds": {
    "Part": [
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        "PartNum": "TUB45_87_10",
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        "DEPayStatCodeDescr": "",
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        "DefaultPlannerName": null,
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        "BitFlag": 1,
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        "ClassDescription": "",
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        "CommodityCodeDescription": "",
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        "DynAttrValueSetDescription": "",
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        "ProdCodeDescription": "Finish Good Group",
        "RefCategoryDescription": "",
        "SerialMaskMaskType": 0,
        "SerialMaskDescription": "",
        "TaxCatIDDescription": "",
        "UOMClassIDDescription": "Purchasing UOM for Resin",
        "WarrantyCodeWarrDescription": "",
        "XbSystELIEinvoice": false,
        "RowMod": ""

    "PartRev": [
        "Company": "xxxx",
        "PartNum": "TUB45_87_10",
        "RevisionNum": "00",
        "RevShortDesc": "00",
        "RevDescription": "",
        "Approved": true,
        "ApprovedDate": "2023-07-26T00:00:00",
        "ApprovedBy": "xxxx",
        "EffectiveDate": "2023-07-26T00:00:00",
        "TLRLaborCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRBurdenCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRMaterialCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRSubcontractCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRMtlBurCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRSetupLaborCost": 0.00000,
        "TLRSetupBurdenCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRLaborCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRBurdenCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRMaterialCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRSubcontractCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRMtlBurCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRSetupLaborCost": 0.00000,
        "LLRSetupBurdenCost": 0.00000,
        "RollupDate": null,
        "DrawNum": "",
        "ECO": "",
        "Method": true,
        "AutoRecOpr": 0,
        "FinalOpr": 0,
        "PDMObjID": "",
        "Configured": false,
        "WebConfigured": false,
        "ShowInputPrice": false,
        "AltMethod": "",
        "AltMethodDesc": "",
        "Plant": "MfgSys",
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        "ExtConfig": false,
        "ValRefDes": false,
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        "PcEntprsConf": false,
        "GlobalRev": false,
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        "RMASpecID": "",
        "RMASampleSize": 0.00000000,
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        "SysRevID": 95801581,
        "SysRowID": "97ad2cf4-3aac-4fd0-b82e-8994299ade68",
        "ProcessMode": "S",
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        "CoPartsReqQty": 0.00000000,
        "MtlCostPct": 0.00000,
        "LaborCostPct": 0.00000,
        "CoPartsPerOp": 0,
        "CreatedBy": "xxxx",
        "CreatedOn": "2023-07-26T14:16:57.077",
        "ChangedBy": "xxxx",
        "ChangedOn": "2023-07-26T14:19:58.913",
        "ExternalMESSyncRequired": false,
        "ExternalMESLastSync": null,
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        "ProcessMfgID": "",
        "ProcessMfgType": "",
        "ProcessMfgDescription": "",
        "UseAdvancedStaging": false,
        "ProcessMfgLastGroupID": "",
        "DisableApproved": false,
        "ECOGroup": "",
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        "ParentAltMethodDesc": "",
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        "ParentRevisionNum": "",
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        "SpecHedDescription": "",
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        "vQty": 0.00000000,
        "Class": "",
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        "IsRootNode": false,
        "EngineeringApproved": false,
        "BitFlag": 1,
        "InspPlanDescription": "",
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        "PartDescriptionSellingFactor": 1.00000000,
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        "PlantName": "Wisconsin",
        "RoughCutParamDescription": "",
        "RowMod": ""
        "Company": "xxxx",
        "PartNum": "TUB45_87_10",
        "RevisionNum": "01",
        "RevShortDesc": "01",
        "RevDescription": null,
        "Approved": true,
        "ApprovedDate": "2023-07-28T10:32:44.2753468-04:00",
        "ApprovedBy": "xxxx",
        "EffectiveDate": "2023-07-28T10:32:44.2753468-04:00",
        "TLRLaborCost": 0.0,
        "TLRBurdenCost": 0.0,
        "TLRMaterialCost": 0.0,
        "TLRSubcontractCost": 0.0,
        "TLRMtlBurCost": 0.0,
        "TLRSetupLaborCost": 0.0,
        "TLRSetupBurdenCost": 0.0,
        "LLRLaborCost": 0.0,
        "LLRBurdenCost": 0.0,
        "LLRMaterialCost": 0.0,
        "LLRSubcontractCost": 0.0,
        "LLRMtlBurCost": 0.0,
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        "LLRSetupBurdenCost": 0.0,
        "RollupDate": null,
        "DrawNum": null,
        "ECO": null,
        "Method": true,
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        "OwnershipStatus": null,
        "ExtConfig": false,
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        "PcEntprsConf": false,
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        "RoughCutCode": null,
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        "RMASampleSize": 0.0,
        "RMASampleSizePct": 0.0,
        "BasePartNum": null,
        "BaseRevisionNum": null,
        "ConfigID": null,
        "RegenConfig": false,
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        "ExternalMES": false,
        "SysRevID": 0,
        "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "ProcessMode": "S",
        "DefaultConfigPart": false,
        "CoPartsReqQty": 0.0,
        "MtlCostPct": 0.0,
        "LaborCostPct": 0.0,
        "CoPartsPerOp": 0,
        "CreatedBy": "xxxx",
        "CreatedOn": "2023-07-28T10:32:44.2753468-04:00",
        "ChangedBy": "xxxx",
        "ChangedOn": "2023-07-28T10:32:44.2753468-04:00",
        "ExternalMESSyncRequired": false,
        "ExternalMESLastSync": null,
        "CNCustomsBOM": false,
        "ProcessMfgID": null,
        "ProcessMfgType": null,
        "ProcessMfgDescription": null,
        "UseAdvancedStaging": false,
        "ProcessMfgLastGroupID": null,
        "DisableApproved": false,
        "ECOGroup": null,
        "HasCoParts": false,
        "ParentAltMethodDesc": null,
        "ParentPartNum": null,
        "ParentRevisionNum": null,
        "ProdCode": null,
        "RevStatusAsOfDate": 0,
        "SpecHedDescription": null,
        "vDate": null,
        "vQty": 0.0,
        "Class": null,
        "NonStock": false,
        "IsRootNode": false,
        "EngineeringApproved": false,
        "BitFlag": 1,
        "InspPlanDescription": "",
        "PartDescriptionTrackDimension": false,
        "PartDescriptionSellingFactor": 1.00000000,
        "PartDescriptionPartDescription": "TUB45_87",
        "PartDescriptionIUM": "Lb",
        "PartDescriptionTrackLots": false,
        "PartDescriptionPricePerCode": "E",
        "PartDescriptionSalesUM": "Lb",
        "PartDescriptionTrackSerialNum": false,
        "PartDescriptionTypeCode": "M",
        "PcStatusConfigType": "",
        "PlantName": "Wisconsin",
        "RoughCutParamDescription": "",
        "RowMod": "A"

Please can you give us some context to what you’re trying to do?

Is the base screen giving you this error? Are you trying to customise something?

Contexts GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

When you get an internal error 500, you can see more details by looking at the event viewer on the server (if you have access to that).

Is RevDescription a required field, seems to be missing in the dataset there…?


no, i just open the rest api in the browser and put the value in the parameters fields. and I got internal error 500. but I have found the problem. in the input parameter RevisionNum, it should be blank but I put “01”. this cause the Internal error 500. the debug of Rest api is not easy.
Kinetic doesn’t enable the tracing automatically. I have to go to old Epicor 10 in classic mode and see how the parameter value pass. It is very frustrated. is there a better way to debug Internal error 500 in Kinetic for REST API call?



There is. It is a path chosen by few. Basically, don’t call the REST endpoints directly. Build your own endpoint in Epicor Functions and make all Business Object calls there. This has several benefits:

  • It reduces the number of calls across the network
  • One can add custom error handling
  • It is easier to test with tools like Postman, Swagger, among others.
  • It encapsulates Epicor logic away from the client making upgrades easier since logic isn’t spread out among all of the clients when there are changes to make.

The only exception to this rule would be the BAQSvc which is very reliable.

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