Cross Company Stock On Hand Report

Hi, Has anyone here developed a BAQ dashboard that shows On Hand Qty of all parts or even a searched part number across different companies with Epicor.

Our ERP setup has 3 companies, (USA, UK, Canada) our users want to be able to look at a dashbaord and filter or search for a part to see what the other 2 companies have on hand of that part.

This is for our aftermarket, if a customer needs a part and the USA team have 0 on hand the can easily look at this report to see if Canada or UK have the part on Hand.

Thanks in advance

A cross-company BAQ would do the trick. See attached an example for PartWhse. You could also use PartBin to show the bins too. Once you have all the fields you need in the BAQ, you can create a dashboard with it.

WhseOnHand.baq (18.5 KB)

LE: forgot to add an important thing - your users will need access to all 3 companies.