This did it. I had all the tables just not the correct links. Thank you all!
Melissa Hietala
UMC, Inc.
From: mattcald_73 <matt@...>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Crystal Question - Customer Ship to address list
That ShipToNum in customer only lists the Primary ship to. Link the ShipTo table to OrderHed, then ShipTo to Customer(if needed)
Melissa Hietala
UMC, Inc.
From: mattcald_73 <matt@...>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Crystal Question - Customer Ship to address list
That ShipToNum in customer only lists the Primary ship to. Link the ShipTo table to OrderHed, then ShipTo to Customer(if needed)
--- In, melissa hietala <kevmel822@...> wrote:
> We have some customers that have multiple ship to addresses and I want to print a shipments report that show the order, customer, ship via, ship to code, and the appropriate address that goes with that ship to code. It will only return the main address information not the ship to address information. I have the following tables:
> Â
> OrderHed
> OrderDtl
> OrderRel
> ShipVia
> Customer
> ShipTo
> Â
> I have the first 4 linked together and then OrderHed to Customer to ShipTo
> Â
> I feel like I am just this close but can't get that correct address to populate. Any ideas?
> Â
> Thanks
> Â
> Melissa Hietala
> UMC, Inc.
> melissah@...
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