Trying to create a planning review report using a BAQ and Crystal Reports. I have the BAQ written but am having difficulty with the crystal report. One of the control breaks is on the part number. What I’d like to do is initial the running total field to the current quantity on hand and then as I go through records in the PARTDTL table, either add or subtract the PartDtl.Quantity to/from a rolling total (like) column and at the end of the records for that part be able to print the “projected” on hand balance - basically like what’s on the time phase report - only I’m doing this because we have some warehouse sharing that’s turned on and we want to exclude inventory in the shared warehouses so that we can determine when we’ll need to re-order or create jobs to replenish inventory properly.
I’ve been scouring the net for an hour and have not been able to find anything useful (yet). I’m sure someone out there has done something like this before?
Thanks for any help!
Jeff Henslee
M-B Companies Inc.
I haven’t done Crystal Reports in eons but I think this approach would work
Decalre a variable and assign the value of Qty On Hand (on Group Header Part)
Then on each detail record use another formula field to subtract (InitialVariable - PartDtl.Qty) and assign it back to IntialVariable…
Then at the end of the Part Group (Group Footer) Display your Initial Variable
I’m closer – but still not working.
I have the 3 formulas (shown below)
Global NumberVar QtyOH :=({BAQReportResult.PartWhse.OnHandQty});
global Numbervar QtyOH := (QtyOH + {@TrxQuantity});
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “JH” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * 1) else
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “JM” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * -1) else
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “TO” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * -1) else
I’ve got something messed up – it’s not doing the running totals correctly.
Here’s a snippet of my report.
I’m close (ok – maybe not that close) – but the first line works – it’s just every line after that!
whenever I’ve done the three formula trick I have the first formula just resetting the variable to zero. So the first formula resets the variable on the group you are resetting the running total on. If this is a grand total this formula is not really needed as you are summing on the entire data set. The second formula is your running total, this is where you are doing your calculation for ever detail line, or child group header/footer. the last formula just displays the results of the second calculating formula. So perhaps assigning the variable in formula one is your issue?
Field1 ==> in the group header
Global NumberVar QtyOH :=0;
Field2 ==> in the detail portion where your rows are you are wanting to total
global Numbervar QtyOH := (QtyOH + {@TrxQuantity});
Field3 ==> in the area where you want to display the total before resetting. usually for me the group footer.
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “JH” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * 1) else
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “JM” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * -1) else
if {BAQReportResult.PartDtl.SourceFile} = “TO” then ({BAQReportResult.PartDtl.Quantity} * -1) else
I was (finally) able to doget running totals on a crystal report to work - basically initializing the working field with the OH quantity from the warehouse and then adding it to the running total field. It was a combination of a couple of suggestions and the use of running total and calculation fields. It’s working now. Thanks again!