Custom Kinetic Search

After this (Updating Kinetic Dataviews with Event to Show Custom Field) headache-inducing ride with @hmwillett trying to learn how to customize a built-in form, I gave up and moved on to the next problem. I am hoping this one is easier than the last.

I have added myself a UD field to the WhseBin table. I would like to see this field in various places to make it actually useful. The most useful place to see this field would be in the PartBinSearch form (or sidebar, whatever).

Is there any way to customize the PartBinSearch to include a field for my bin fullness custom field? Thanks for your time!

Did you say you were SaaS?

Does that mean dedicated cloud tenancy? If so, then, yes.

Lemme ask it this way… do you have access to the server files?

No, not that I know of. I have to submit Epicor requests to get anything from the server.

The only way I have found to make custom searches to to modify the JSON on the server, then run Conversion 191 to move it into the XXXDef table.

Outside of that, you may want to go with a BAQ or Quick Search.

How do you always have the hardest approach?! HAH!

Can I create a BAQ or Quick search that works in Kinetic? I don’t see a place to choose it in the PartBinSearch pull out thingy.

To be fair, App Studio doesn’t exactly make it easy, hahaha.

You bet! It’s at the bottom of the Search Options on the show-search widget.

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You should see what I did to build out a custom Kinetic screen that didn’t use one of the premade screens. :grimacing:

Aaron you are a saint for helping!
So, I copied all the event widgets for the locked event: InvTrans.ToBinNum. I pasted them into a new event with identical triggering. The only difference is that I navigated to search type/name and put in my new BAQ. I created a BAQ like this:

	[WhseBin].[WarehouseCode] as [WhseBin_WarehouseCode],
	[WhseBin].[BinNum] as [WhseBin_BinNum],
	[WhseBin].[Fullness_c] as [WhseBin_Fullness_c],
	[WhseBin].[Company] as [WhseBin_Company]
from Erp.WhseBin as WhseBin

I also set the BAQ Search Like columns to include Company, Warehouse, and BinNum. I shared the BAQ and saved it.

Now When I click on the bin search icon, It brings up the sidebar in BAQ mode, with nothing else in it. No options or results or errors. I must have done something wrong here.

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Can you take a screenshot of the search options?

Do you mean the BO, method and parameters?


It’s likely because you’re using the “Like PartBinSearch.PartBin” and your BAQ is using WhseBin.

Actually, you know what? This one is finicky. Let me try something. Hang tight.

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Change the “like” to PartBin.BinNum instead of PartBinSearch.PartBin.


That did do the trick! It is not exactly what I want. But for today, I am chalking this up as a win! Thank you my friend!

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Just for reference, adding a field to the original search (assuming server access) is as easy as adding the new field here:

Save, then run conversion 191. Boom. New field in search.

**Note: upgrades may or may not break this. Haven’t had a chance to try. Patches don’t (so far).


Maybe I can ask Epicor support to do this…

How can I filter my BAQ results to include only those rows where the part number and warehouse match the selection on the Inventory Transfer form?

Was that “Preload Search Filter” not working for you?