I have been trying to use a custom report style for Job Receipt to Job. i am using the following report style based on the trace log, [JobRcptToJob]. When i go to print, the custom report style only shows up when i use change my user preferences to use classic instead of Kinetic. Is there a way to make one specific from show in classic vs. a blanket change to all forms? i looked in the forms options but, the form to use dropdown is not enabled. Does anyone know how to change that?
The report styles shouldn’t care about your UX. I’d be more curious to understand why you don’t see it when using Kinetic version. Since you’re on 10.2.600, I’m wondering if it’s just a bug related to that version.
To answer your question about it being greyed out: go to your global preferences from the Epicor Home screen > Settings. There is a similar drop-down there. If that’s not set to User Choice, then it will be greyed out on the individual forms. You might need to close and re-launch Epicor after changing it on your global preferences for it to take effect on all the forms. I don’t remember for sure though.
Thanks for the reply! I have been in contact with Epicare and they explained that it was a bug. Modifications to the Standard - SSRS report style also do not show. I can change the report style name and the new name will not show up in kinetic. That is why i was looking for a work around. i have changed the setting drop down you spoke of to classic just to force the form to open in classic but, in the past it has always been set to user choice. I have security manager privilages but maybe that not enough to get that dropdown enabled?
It will not be able to be set on your global preferences unless you have Kinetic UI enabled in the Kinetic Application Maintenance. I’m not sure if that that existed in 10.2.600 (if it didn’t I’m not sure where that setting would’ve existed). If Kinetic UI is not enabled at all, then I don’t believe you get the choice to launch in anything but classic. If you have Kinetic UI enabled on the Kinetic Application Maintenance, you might need to find that specific menu and make sure it’s enabled for that menu. Not all menus had a Kinetic version so it may have not been enabled by default. If you get that specific menu enabled to have the Kinetic UI, then it will give you a choice. But this whole idea seems confusing because you want it to be in Classis and if Kinetic UI is disabled, then it must open in classic. There may be some other setting or logic that I’m missing.
i did look at the Kinetic App Maintenance screen but, job to job receipt was not on there. thanks for telling me about that. im sure that will come in handy in the future. The kinetic form bug was forcing me to use classic or, edits to any report styles would not be visible. Custom report style would not show up in kinetic. im not sure how i did it but, i got the print form for job receipt to job and job to inventory to load in classic. I can only say that i changed the UI settings under preferences in the more settings menu from “user choice” to “Kinetic” and back a few times. Cleared user cache and it loads in classic now.
I’m still hung up on this point. I agree that it shouldn’t matter what your interface is (classic or kinetic), custom report styles should be available. Sounds odd to me.