Customization for Dashboard does not show up on Menu Maintenance

Hi everyone, am a total noob at Epicor and currently have no available resources for any formal training so reaching out to all the helpful folks out here.

I followed a fellow user’s guide here on creating a customization on a dashboard (video linked all the way down below if you’re curious), but for whatever reason the customization is not showing up on Menu Maintenace - so right now the customization is only accessible on developer mode.

I am having the exact same issue as Fakhruddin down here below. On the same version too (10.2.600.3). They did say the fix ended up being “updating the menu table using updatable BAQ”, but I am not so sure what the steps are for this, and googling can only help me so much. Can someone please walk me through this process? Or at least explain a bit more in detail what this means.

Thank you! Appreciate any help.

Continuing the discussion from Issue in Customization on the Dashboard not showing in Menu Maintenance:

Video followed (This was also shared here in the past):

Make sure Work In Progress checkbox is not checked on the customization in customization maintenance. Also if you had the menu form open you may need to right click in the Customization dropdown and select “Refresh List”

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Thanks for your response! WIP is not checked, and All companies is checked. Clicking “refresh list” unfortunately does not load it in either :frowning:

Strange. Did you try closing and reopening the client? Beyond that, if your menu item is company specific I’d try saving it with the company the menu item is in

If you can’t get it to work here, you can make an updateable BAQ that will do the trick.

The table that needs updated is Ice.Menu and the field is Arguments.

-c CustomizationName needs added to whatever additional arguments are there.

Hopefully this points you in the right direction.

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I’d wager that if your menu item is not in the current company that could be why you’re not seeing the customization.

If it’s not, then you can go to Actions > Copy Menu to Current Company

It took me forever to figure out (I’m still learning haha), but thank you! This was the fix.